Yesterday it happened. Facebook succumbed and banned Tommy Robinson (and me) on largely spurious grounds because they don’t like what is being highlighted. It’s hard to believe this wasn’t connected to his Panodrama video being viewed 1 million times in under 24 hours.
This video and podcast is a mash up of yesterday and today’s vlogs. I recorded this just before learning about the banning of Mohammed’s Koran.
One issue I raise here, what does the deletion of Tommy Robinson’s Facebook page mean for the case that the UK’s Attorney General is trying to decide on? The entire case rests on a Facebook live stream!
Right at the end of the post is my special gift: a remastered, multi-camera version of Kelly Day singing How they Rule Ya with enhanced audio, but first….
I made a short podcast and video based on the reactions to Panodrama on Sunday. I wanted to add a few videos that really show what Tommy’s crowd was like and the absolute insanity of the far-left, Hope not Hate inspired zombies who turned out to oppose him. First up is Avi Yemeni’s great little video.
I also enjoyed the contrasts in Godless Spellcheker’s video between Tommy Robinson supporters who can articulate real, solid grievances and reasons for attending vs the so called anti-fascists who are uniformly clueless.
This was sent to me concerning the Godless Spellchecker’s video:
It is nominally impartial, but captures the bigotry and misinformation emanating from the left; at 3.30 an idiot declares of ‘the fascists’, “the first people they go for are the socialists and the trade unionists” – clearly not familiar with the National Socialists – before “it ends up with the gas chambers and the extermination camps.” This appropriation of anti-Semitism, by people aligned with Labour and Momentum who actually perpetrate it, is a worrying recent development. Then at 7.00, a young moron shows his opposition to fascism by insisting that Tommy Robinson “is a terrorist and his band of fascists should be… locked up and taken off our streets”. I saw these people, waving Communist Party flags, and would have spoken to them myself but I’m not confident I would have kept my temper. The other video I’ve watched this morning also makes the insupportable and possibly slanderous link between Tommy Robinson and anti-Semitism (like you, I’m not keen on real Nazis and tend to be reasonably good at spotting them; nothing I’ve ever heard or seen of Tommy suggests he is – didn’t he recently declare himself a Zionist?!).
If you’re looking for a good, straight, written piece on Panodrama and its implications for the UK’s state broadcaster, James Delingpole has provided an excellent piece in Breitbart:
Did you see that shocking BBC Panorama documentary about the bullying, Soros-funded, far-left, anti-freedom of speech propaganda group currently touring British schools with the Government’s approval, turning kids into brainwashed progressives who believe that “Islamophobia” is a bigger threat than radical Islam? No. And you never will.
That’s because instead of holding these far left thugs to account, the BBC considers them to be allies, fellow travellers, kindred spirits. Hence the disgraceful allegations that the BBC’s flagship documentary series Panorama got in bed with one such organisation — HOPE Not Hate — in order to carry out a hit job on Tommy Robinson.
Next on the parade of hate from the far-left are these tweets from blue tick verified Guardian writer, Hannah Jane Parkinson. She, obviously, has never spent much time studying Tommy Robinson but she can say, as an absolute FACT that Tommy is an “antisemite”. Obviously Jews who have spent time with Tommy, such as Avi Yemeni or myself are unable to detect Tommy’s fictional Jew hatred as well as Hannah. There’s a screenshot, obviously, because she may well realise that having stated something as a “fact” she has no defence that she was stating her opinion.
If her point was that Tommy doesn’t like associating with Jews or music by Jewish authors then this reply tweet rather sums up her insanity.
You can’t fix stupid but you can sue for libel.
The BBC’s official response from Panorama is worth including:
The BBC has released the following statement on Panorama’s investigation into Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson.
Obviously, like all of the far-let, they’re completely obsessed with “real name blah blah blah” and they’re still claiming that one day they’ll broadcast a Panorama about Tommy Robinson. That may be, but I’ll bet with anyone who want to that nothing which features anything from this Hope not Hate production will come out in the next 3 months. They may try again, but this production and these methods are burned.
This is going to drag on because The BBC doesn’t know when to throw their hand in and fold. Good. It will be an open sore we can pick at.
A dishonourable mention also goes to this MEP nobody’s ever heard of who also trotted out the usual insane ramblings of far-left zombies who’ve never studied Tommy Robinson and will believe any propaganda that Hope not Hate put out.
And after that ugliness we’ll end with some beauty! How They Rule Ya (Yes, Hannah, it’s a version of Hallelujah by the Jew (((Leonard Cohen))) we all know that. Performed by Kelly Day from Canada. This is my own video mash up from two sources and with a re-mixing of the sound for a bit more presence and liveliness!
Allow me a little hyperbole in the headline, but for a one hour documentary made very quickly by a skeleton crew spending very little money, it’s a very impressive piece of work. As I’m writing this on Tuesday morning, 12 hours after release, Facebook reports just shy of 1M views and YouTube 135k. Facebook’s numbers are always inflated and there are other mirrors on YouTube also getting 10’s of thousands of views, but nevertheless it is clear that a great many people are watching this video intently.
Here’s what Tommy wrote on Facebook about the film:
#Panodrama an expose of the Fake news BBC!
Taxpayer-funded BBC working alongside a radical far left organisation for Panorama to ‘take down Tommy Robinson’
Blackmailing my former employees to invent stories
Hope not Hate on set with the BBC, calling the shots and intimidating my ex-employees during interview
BBC caught on camera telling an ex-employee the questions they would ask her in the interview and the answers that she needed to say for it to air (scripted fake interviews!)
BBC caught on camera suggesting they could edit and clip an argument I had with an ex-employee to portray a totally different angle and to quote John Sweeney on camera he could make it ‘a gender, a sexual thing against Tommy Robinson’. (BBC creating fake #MeToo stories!)
BBC likening the working class to cannibals in the jungle whose vocabulary is limited to the words F*ck off.
BBC Journalists giving zero shits about your hard earned £150 licence fee and spending it on midweek £220 champagne lunches.
Oh, and the BBC face of panorama being casually racist and homophobic.
If anything the establishment is going to come back at me with all guns blazing so please sign up at for free so I can keep in contact with you when they eventually shut me down like the fascists that they are.
Here is the Facebook version if you want to share it.
To date there has been an absolute complete media blackout on the Panodrama story. Tommy’s released a number of teaser videos which have all had hundreds’s of thousands of views within hours. As I said on Twitter: still the total mainstream media blackout. They are DESPERATE for the clicks and views these videos will get, but they daren’t take part in shaming the BBC. How long before someone breaks?
Well they didn’t break, they used a different tactic. The Sun came up with a counter punch. Normally they have these stories sitting on the bench. I don’t believe for one minute that The Sun managed to get hold of Tommy’s private messages to a private chat with his mates all of a sudden. It would be far more normal that they secured the videos a while back.
How does co-ordination happen, any collusion?
The bit that puzzles me is how does the co-ordination happen? How do all the supposedly independent and fiercely competitive UK news sources all decide, with absolute lock step rigour, that nobody will even mention Tommy’s forthcoming exposé of the BBC or the public demonstration in Manchester on Feb 23rd for which people are already making travel plans! Any collusion perhaps?
Obviously the far-left, hate crowd are crowing about the contents of Tommy’s drunken banter with his mates but it’s all to no avail. This won’t land any blows on Tommy with those who support him, it won’t sway many neutrals against him and, right at this moment, it is driving traffic to his own Panodrama videos.
Here’s Tommy’s explanation video cut with elements of the teasers for the Panodrama takedown of Panorama that’s coming on Feb 23rd on a giant screen outside the BBC’s offices in Manchester. While trying not to cover Tommy’s news, and pushing out more fake news drama about a typical British lad getting drunk and drunkenly bantering with his mates, they’ve done exactly what they set out not to do: publicise Panodrama.
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