This was a fun interview with Peter from Hearts of Oak. We talked about Israel, Tommy Robinson and I gave a quick run down on our #CryptoClassAction against Facebook and Google in Australia.
Tommy Robinson is defending himself in London’s High Court against a Libel accusation by a Syrian refugee child called Jamal. He’s self representing himself and has no paid legal representation! It’s an astonishing case.
This morning I tweeted that all the attempts to wipe Tommy Robinson off the internet may appear to have worked but its probably only the quisling elites who are fooling themselves into thinking Tommy went away.
Dear government and elites in the UK, a short thread about your attempted suppression of Tommy Robinson through your ability to control private enterprises like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube /1
Just because there isn’t one central place to see news of Tommy (beyond his website TR.News and the Telegram feed he controls himself), that doesn’t mean he isn’t reaching a large audience.
News Reports
Ruptly News report
This is the description RUPTLY put on their video, recording it here in case their video disappears (as these things have a habit of doing)
Former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson, was awarded a freedom of speech award by the Free Press Society of 2004 in Copenhagen on Saturday, as protesters demonstrated outside the venue.
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, received the ‘Sappho Award,’ a prize that according to the Free Press Society of 2004’s website is “awarded to a person who has shown uncompromising courage in the struggle for the free word.”
While accepting his prize, Robinson said “Silicon Valley, the alliance of globalists, Islamists and the far-left, are taking away our free speech.”
“The British establishment, I believe, they looked and saw the power that we had through Facebook, through social media,” Robinson said. “This level of censorship terrifies me, the control that Silicon Valley now has in controlling how people think.”
Protesters were seen gathered outside the venue where the award was given, holding flags and chanting slogans against racism and hate.
The Free Press Society, or Trykkefrihedsselskabet in Danish, believes “the biggest threat against freedom of speech currently comes from Islam” according to their website. The organisation gives its yearly Sappho award to prominent critics of Islam including author Douglas Murray, conservative philosopher Roger Scruton, Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, whose drawing of the prophet Muhammad drew international controversy in 2005, and Flemming Rose, who was responsible for the cartoon’s publication while editor at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
Tommy Robinson was featured in a documentary by Ross Kemp on the UK’s ITV. You can see the whole documentary here on Bitchute if you wish. The first half of my podcast this week are my reactions to that show. I split this week’s show into two parts for the video but the podcast is one long show.
For the second part I dove headfirst into the fall out from the Soleimani strike a week before. I still think Trump knew exactly what he was doing and I go into some of the details on how these drones operate and why its likely the US had absolute knowledge of who they were hitting. This is the Tablet piece I talked about regarding proxy wars.
Syrian air defence is useless: it will never see Israeli or American planes, all it can ever do is shoot down civilian planes. It’s a shocking disaster that they even have that equipment.
In the show art for this show you can see the picture of the kid sleeping on the floor. This shot, meant to show the desperate horrors of the Britain’s state health system, the National Health Services (NHS) and it’s abysmal condition obviously all caused by the Conservatives. I contrast that with the case of Mohammed Al Durah.
At the end Tommy Robinson is on to explain exactly how much respect he has for the alt-right, alt-Reich and the rest of the ethno-nationalists. Precisely none.
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