Watch all of this. State Persecution, Cambridge court case, deplatforming and the Nazi punching story.

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Watch all of this. State Persecution, Cambridge court case, deplatforming and the Nazi punching story.
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Yesterday morning, afterTommy Robinson had tried to talk to the far-left activist Mike Stuchbery following his online cheerleading for the gang that went to Tommy’s house over the weekend, Mick Stuchbery was spotted being interviewed by BBC Panorama in a park in Luton.
Last night US independent journalist and online investigator, Nick Munroe, published a series of devastating tweets highlighting Mike Stuchbery’s glee at the prospect of others committing violent acts. Especially if this violence and hatred is directed against Tommy Robinson or anyone else who dares to disagree with Mike Stuchbery’s extremist, far-left ideology.
So how do you know BBC Panorama aren’t journalists? Watch the video to find out.
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Here’s the chat, background on Count Dankula is below. We talked about all sorts of stuff, his Nazi Pug joke, Tommy Robinson in the tank on the Golan heights picture, Israel and many other topics!
Last night I spent two enjoyable hours shooting the breeze with convicted hate speech criminal, Count Dankula. You may remember his story: he was convicted last year of committing the ultimate crime in the UK. He posted a joke video of his girlfriend’s dog. The issue was he told a simple joke. He wanted to turn the cute pug into the most evil and horrible thing he could think of so he turned the dog into a Nazi. He trained Buddha the Pug to raise his paw when he said “gas the Jews”.
It was clear from the context of the video it was a joke. Some people found it funny, some didn’t and some thought it would be a good idea to prosecute this man in Scottish courts and eventually find him guilty. He has been fined but refuses to pay his fine. He has donated the value of his fine to a charity, it’s not about the money, it’s about speech.
It’s insulting for me to have to say he isn’t hateful, a Jew hater, antisemite or Nazi. This is self evident. That a court had to wilfully disregard all context in his video to find him guilty is a massive stain on Scottish and eventually the UK’s entire legal system.
I mentioned Count Dankula in this video back a year ago when he was convicted. A huge thanks to Dankula for having me on his channel. He has a much larger audience than I do and my mere presence was a huge challenge to some of the people who watch his stuff. If you want to see an example of his recent comedy, I found his recent video on Communism to be excellent, see it here.
I have to say there was a serious far-right Jew hatred problem in the live chats. Honestly I didn’t watch them for the first hour and a half and only toward the end did I look. By then they had improved quite a bit. I am still more comfortable talking to his edgy audience and honestly I feel they listened to me more than any hearing I would have got from a correspondingly pro BDS, anti-Israel and Jew hating audience on the other side.
If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.
I was sent this nicely put together series of clips and explanation of recent Tommy Robinson statements and the way they’ve been twisted. I added the narration.
These are just the basics you need to know about Tommy Robinson before you judge his ban following #Panodrama.
The original video is here on Graeme the Guiri Veïns Democràtics channel.
I tell you a little bit about the early days of the EDL and how it grew by word of mouth amongst groups of football club supporters. This was mostly offline and in real life in pubs and clubs across the UK.
I make reference to JPB Liberty’s enormous law suit against Facebook and Google in Australia. For more details you can visit their site. If you do sign on as a class member or even decide to contribute let Andrew know where you heard about it: Brian of London! Andrew and I recorded an explanatory video about the case which you can watch here.
If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.
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