019 Podcast flees to Pacific island following Labour win from October 01 2005

Shire Network News Archive
Shire Network News Archive
019 Podcast flees to Pacific island following Labour win from October 01 2005

First Broadcast October 01, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Laurence Simon imagines himself as a latter-day Francis Scott Key, inspired by…well, lets just say it aint a flag and let you find out.Our Man in London is joined by one of Our Men in New Zealand, David Farrar, who is apparently being stalked in London by Deborah Coddington. Well, it’s Earl’s Court, it’s not as if she would run into anyone English, is it?

In Blog News, I’m off to Rarotonga for my holidays, and you’re not. Why? Oh, the desperate need to avoid the thought of my homeland struggling under three more years of (and this is a direct quote from a comments post), “arrogant rule by bed-wetting hand-wringing bearded cardigan-wearing lefties, supported on confidence and supply by a bunch of tree-hugging lice-picking fuckwits not long out of the trees”. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Also mentioned are Randi (Everything is just like the Holocaust! Bush is Hitler! They’re using helicopter gunships on black people!) Rhodes, who Dave Pierre busted on his blog “Newsbusters” for comparing the way people were transported away from New Orleans on buses to the Holocaust. You remember how everyone got off at Auschwitz and received three squares, a cot and a $2,000 debit card, right? I predict some masterful juvenile scorn for Randi from Meryl Yourish, especially now she has a spiffing new look for her fine blog.

We have some words of confort for any American tourist who has ever been sneered at by a European, delivered by James Garner, from the Movie “The Americanization of Emily”, and the feature interview is with military blogger/podcaster Dave Green, of Reverse Retina Radio (“the most heavily armed podcast in the universe”).

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Podcast says John Sweeney is just as far right and racist as Tommy Robinson

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast says John Sweeney is just as far right and racist as Tommy Robinson

You have to watch the first minute of the video to see why I KNOW Tommy Robinson is NOT far right or a racist!

Facebook Status about John Sweeney and Tommy Robinson

I put out a Facebook status yesterday with that same, provocative, first sentence and before even reading the second sentence I was getting angry comments!

Of course I know Tommy Robinson is not racist and I know he’s not far-right. I’ve known this from the first time I came across him a long time ago and because, unlike these arseholes in the mainstream press, I’ve spent time getting to know who he is!

Tommy Robinson and Brian of London, Tel Aviv, November 2016
Tommy Robinson and Brian of London, Tel Aviv, November 2016

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Podcast asks why are Israel and Poland fighting each other?

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast asks why are Israel and Poland fighting each other?

I was nervous about filming this and stepping into this debate. I firmly believe there is a solid centre both in Poland and Israel that is being pushed around by two extremes.

In Israel (and much more strongly within the Jewish diaspora) there is a far-left, identity politics based contingent that must cling to its victimhood to maintain its position in the insane world of intersectional politics. On the Poland side there seems to be a correspondingly extreme contingent which is hyper-sensitive to the historical portrayal of negative aspects of Polish WW2 history.

I didn’t say it in the video, but I should have: the idea of banning people from saying that Nazi death camps in Poland were Polish death camps is the same sort of speech policing we see from the far-left with hate speech laws! Hate speech policing is bad whenever it occurs and from whoever it occurs.

Somewhere in the centre, where most of us reside, and I’d put Netanyahu in that camp but not our loose tongued and unwise foreign minister Katz, most of us can acknowledge the past without whitewashing it or overly condemning people who also suffered horribly at the hands of the Nazis whilst fighting back heroically.

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Build a wall! And paint it nicely

Looking at Israel’s border wall and fence with Lebanon in the north

My fellow No Agenda Knight and producer, Sir Jono, is boots on the ground in northern Israel today and snapped a few shots of a spot where Israel’s border with Lebanon is an actual wall. You can see the fence in this shot.

Photos from Jono Rose northern Israel border with Lebanon

Most of the time it is a highly sophisticated, electronically monitored fence. In certain places, however, usually where there are issues with direct line of sight and possible sniper attacks, there is a wall. As you can see, on the Israeli side, this has been decorated. Rather nicely!

I recorded a video a while back explaining the fence/wall as it applies to the area around Jerusalem and the disputed territories (Judea and Samaria). The principle is largely the same up north. Fences are favoured but they are watched with devoted attention and walls are only used where it is specifically necessary and determined by threat levels and engineering assessment.

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018 Podcast blames Hurricane Rita on Bush from September 24 2005

Shire Network News Archive
Shire Network News Archive
018 Podcast blames Hurricane Rita on Bush from September 24 2005

First Broadcast September 24, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Laurence Simon explains staying put in hurricane-threatened Houston was preferable to being stuck in the worlds biggest traffic jam with three angry cats and no food. Our Man in London provides us with the bstartling intelligence that it appears to be raining. Raining? In Britain? MI6 are reportedly working the angles on that right now.

In Blog News, the seige of Helengrad continues, still no word if last Saturday’s assault on the walls was successful, but it’s not looking good, NZ Pundit, David Farrar’s KiwiblogSir Humphry’s , why Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean and Wes Clark just can’t cut it in the crazy stakes with foirmer Australian opposition leader Mark Latham, Tim Blair, Cindy Sheehan, the Google empire targets blogs for their nefarious scheme to offer us free and useful services, the bastards, why Singaporean bloggers are staring down the barrel of sedition charges over comments about dogs, the correct way for Christian to apologise to Muslims according to the Anglican church, Melanie Phillips, and finally a little something for all the lovers out there…

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