Build a wall! And paint it nicely

Looking at Israel’s border wall and fence with Lebanon in the north

My fellow No Agenda Knight and producer, Sir Jono, is boots on the ground in northern Israel today and snapped a few shots of a spot where Israel’s border with Lebanon is an actual wall. You can see the fence in this shot.

Photos from Jono Rose northern Israel border with Lebanon

Most of the time it is a highly sophisticated, electronically monitored fence. In certain places, however, usually where there are issues with direct line of sight and possible sniper attacks, there is a wall. As you can see, on the Israeli side, this has been decorated. Rather nicely!

I recorded a video a while back explaining the fence/wall as it applies to the area around Jerusalem and the disputed territories (Judea and Samaria). The principle is largely the same up north. Fences are favoured but they are watched with devoted attention and walls are only used where it is specifically necessary and determined by threat levels and engineering assessment.

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That’s a big beautiful wall, to quote someone or other.

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