First Broadcast October 01, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Laurence Simon imagines himself as a latter-day Francis Scott Key, inspired by…well, lets just say it aint a flag and let you find out.Our Man in London is joined by one of Our Men in New Zealand, David Farrar, who is apparently being stalked in London by Deborah Coddington. Well, it’s Earl’s Court, it’s not as if she would run into anyone English, is it?
In Blog News, I’m off to Rarotonga for my holidays, and you’re not. Why? Oh, the desperate need to avoid the thought of my homeland struggling under three more years of (and this is a direct quote from a comments post), “arrogant rule by bed-wetting hand-wringing bearded cardigan-wearing lefties, supported on confidence and supply by a bunch of tree-hugging lice-picking fuckwits not long out of the trees”. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Also mentioned are Randi (Everything is just like the Holocaust! Bush is Hitler! They’re using helicopter gunships on black people!) Rhodes, who Dave Pierre busted on his blog “Newsbusters” for comparing the way people were transported away from New Orleans on buses to the Holocaust. You remember how everyone got off at Auschwitz and received three squares, a cot and a $2,000 debit card, right? I predict some masterful juvenile scorn for Randi from Meryl Yourish, especially now she has a spiffing new look for her fine blog.
We have some words of confort for any American tourist who has ever been sneered at by a European, delivered by James Garner, from the Movie “The Americanization of Emily”, and the feature interview is with military blogger/podcaster Dave Green, of Reverse Retina Radio (“the most heavily armed podcast in the universe”).

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