Podcast explains why I debated Mark Collett about Israel, Zionism and the myth of a Jewish ethno-state

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast explains why I debated Mark Collett about Israel, Zionism and the myth of a Jewish ethno-state

On Tuesday night I took part in a 2 hour YouTube Hangout debating Israel, white nationalism and ethno-states with Mark Collett and other people at the invitation of Joseph from the Israel Advocacy Network. Joseph took down his live stream copy and replaced it with a short explanatory video.

These are my follow up comments on the debate. Below the video I’ll post the comment I put on 3Speak when I posted the complete video yesterday evening and you can find that at the link. This video is a disection of who Mark Collett is, my interpretation of his views and how he puts them forward.

To answer a specific set of questions being thrown at me on Twitter (which I don’t address in the video), I don’t give a damn what colour Jews in Israel are. I’m unconcerned at nonsense such as “would I care if Israel become a majority black state”. I’m unconcerned by the skin colour but I’m deeply concerned that Israel remain Jewish which probably means a Jewish majority (no matter what skin colour we all are) and that the dominant culture and basis for law remain Jewish. Where we draw the boundaries on religious observance remains ours to debate. I don’t like Jews marrying out of Judaism but I don’t see that it is the role of a government to stop it.

I don’t foresee or necessarily advocate for a removal of non-Jews from the country, so long as those who remain do so under the strict knowledge that they are in a Jewish country and that any desire to change that most basic nature of the country is not to be tolerated.

This is what I posted alongside the full debate video.

This debate was organised by Joseph of the Israel Advocacy Network who invited me on it. With some hesitation I agreed to take part despite knowing exactly who Mark Collett is and what he says. I’m also pretty familiar with his (real) neo-Nazi audience.

I knew he’d bring along a bunch of ridiculous and skewed Ha’aretz and Guardian articles (he had all the ones I expected) and his usual grab bag of updated versions of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and Culture of Critique.

The live chat was a cesspool and I believe the chat caused the original to be removed.

As bad as Mark is and what he represents, I don’t believe he will ever achieve great success or reach. He’ll speak to his crowd of devoted followers but going through life blaming Jews for everything you don’t have will never be a successful strategy. Sure you can take Poland with a tank or two but eventually, with a bit of luck, freedom and sanity will win over again.

For the main reason that Mark’s views are not mainstream anywhere in any semblance of authority, I don’t regard them as a serious existential threat (and no, Orban, Salvini, the AFD and other on the new right in Europe aren’t as bad as Mark). The far-left and Islam run countries, academia and the media: that’s a real threat.

Joseph has posted a short video explaining why his version of the live chat has gone down but as the alt-right and the neo-Nazis are posting the video in full, for the record, so will I. I don’t believe Mark made his points to anything but his own audience and I’ll explain more in my own video soon.

So here it is, unedited and up on an immutable block chain site.

Podcast talks 3speak, censorship, adpocalypse and Katie Hopkins

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast talks 3speak, censorship, adpocalypse and Katie Hopkins

I’m talking today about WHY you’re watching this video on 3Speak, about the Steem blockchain and blogging there. I also cover where I differ from Katie Hopkins but why I still absolutely support her right to make and show films about Jews moving to Israel in Jerusalem.

Thanks for watching and if you derive value from this work, please consider sending some value my way! Thanks.

Podcast talks about far-left deplatforming of Katie Hopkins in Israel

Brian of London
Brian of London
Podcast talks about far-left deplatforming of Katie Hopkins in Israel

Last night I saw Homelands, Katie Hopkins new film sponsored by the EU, looking at Jews leaving Europe specifically because of rising Jew hatred. It isn’t racist and it isn’t even the made up word “Islamophobic”. It does tell stories of Jews leaving Europe because they are afraid of a future in which Europe is increasingly Islamic and fearful of the rising levels of Jew hatred that accompany increases in islamic religious observance. Below is the blog post I wrote while waiting for the event and a video I recorded.

I’m currently in a bar in Jerusalem killing time: in two hours I’m supposed to be at a screening of Katie Hopkins’ new film “Homelands”.

This was meant to have taken place in a small town just to the north of Tel Aviv, Raanana, home to a large ex-South African anglo population, last night. That was cancelled after an Israeli TV journalist started questioning the venue. As the rabidly far-left and evil Ha’aretz lied in the first paragraph:

The screening of an anti-Muslim documentary by controversial right-wing British media personality Katie Hopkins in Ra’anana, north of Tel Aviv, was canceled over the weekend by “mutual agreement.”

Eyebrows were first raised last week, when it became clear that the sold-out screening was set to take place Monday night in an auditorium that belongs to the municipality of Ra’anana, a city that is home to many immigrants from Western Europe.

There was no mutual agreement. That’s a simple to verify lie by Ha’aretz.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

The organisers shifted it forward a day (today) and moved it to another venue in Jerusalem. That was attacked this morning and canceled. Another was found, while I was driving to Jerusalem that one pulled out.

I’ve met Katie, in fact I may even be in her film, she interviewed me but until I see the finished product I don’t know what bits she used.

Just as Israel’s internal politics are marching fast to the right and away from surrender to Islamic Jihad and terror, even our Israeli media, aided and abetted by the Dhimmis in the UK Board of Deputies of British Jews are trying desperately not to acknowledge any truths about the UK or Europe.

There is an increase in Jew hatred, a dramatic one and the vast increase in Islamic immigration to Europe and the even poorer rate at which new immigrants are assimilating in host countries, guarantees that a week minority, like Jews, will be blamed and hates. There are two possibly responses: oppose unbridled immigration and call out Islamic Jew hatred or pretend it doesn’t exist and think that by being nice to new immigrants raised on a Koranic diet of Jew hatred, they’ll change.

Unfortunately the dhimmi Jews of Europe are doing the later and engendering even more hatred toward Jews than otherwise exists (and has always existed) in European populations.

I can guarantee, if Jews were visibly on the front lines of the populist wave, calling for sensible immigration and being very healthily skeptical about Islamic values changing any time soon, there would be far less Jew hatred in Europe instead of far more.

The fact is, with the present Jewish community leadership across Europe, with very few exceptions, their actions have no influence whatsoever on Islamic Jew hatred (which will inexorably rise correlated with the size and strength of Islamic populations) and it gives ammunition to those already steeped in old antisemitic lies of Jewish control and Jewish subterfuge to somehow repress the non Jews. As ridiculous as their old conspiracy theories are, calling anyone who tries to save their native values and culture “far right” or an “Islamophobe” (as they’re calling Katie Hopkins) is making a gigantic mistake.

I watched the final part of HBO’s Chernobyl

Chernobyl reactor explosion screen shot

But I’m going to have to listen to the whole accompanying podcast before I make a video. You can read my prior thoughts here.

It’s clear the direction the writer Craig Mazin is pushing: lies about science are dangerous. The only problem is, we live in an era where “science” is somehow presented as a bunch of completely unreliable computer simulations of system far to big for man to understand.

A nuclear reactor, on the other hand, is easily within our grasp to understand: which is why we have built them and only one has ever blown up! And the one that blew up, as is beautifully explained in the TV program, blew up for totally predictable reasons. The problem was those reasons weren’t known to the poor guys in the control room pushing buttons.

All in all Chernobyl was a magnificent documentary/drama. But the slavish, ideological left, who think that you can even utter a ridiculous phrase like “I believe in science”, will use it to further drive themselves into a disastrous set of religious beliefs in something that long ago ceased to be reliable, repeatable, testable SCIENCE.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

Socialism, Chernobyl and Hollywood elites completely missing the point

I’ve watched the HBO show Chernobyl and have no difficulty recommending it unreservedly.

Strangely enough I was turned on to the show by the conservative podcast of Dan Bongino. No sooner had he recommended it to his audience, however, than he got into a twitter fight with the writer and producer of the show, Craig Mazin. This concerned a Stephen King tweet that performed the stunning set of intellectual backflips necessary to compare the failures of the Soviet Union’s nuclear industry to ORANGE MAN BAD – TRUMP.

That was answered by Craig Mazin:


Bongino saw in the show clear failures of socialism writ large but Mazin claimed it was a “failure of humans whose loyalty to (or fear of) a broken governing party overruled their sense of decency and rationality”. The spat continued…

I went and listened to the series of Podcasts which Mazin has recorded with a presenter from NPR, Peter Sagal, and there is so much in there to expand on these ideas. In the first podcast Craig Mazin and Peter Sagal kick off discussing the very opening of the show which centres around truth and lies. This is the opening dialogue of the entire show as the central character records a diary:

VALERY LEGASOV: What is the cost of lies? It’s not that we’ll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies…then we no longer recognize the truth at all. What can we do then?

Almost immediately in the podcast the two of them have this exchange:

CRAIG Stories are sometimes very good ways of conveying interesting truths and facts…but, just as simply, stories can be weaponized against us to teach us and tell us anything. So, of course, I choose narrative to tell an anti-narrative story, but that’s why I think this is relevant now. Maybe more relevant now– In fact, yes. Definitely more relevant now than it was-when I started writing it.

-PETER: Which was – – and I think we should just point this out – – before the 2016 elections.

CRAIG: Yes, it was. I think I started in 2015 on the writing, yeah.

PETER: Yeah, because I will say, speaking for myself, it’s impossible to watch this miniseries with its tale of government malfeasance and lies and bureaucratic… let’s just say, incentives….

CRAIG: Mm-hmm.

PETER: …taking the place of, shall we say, other motives without thinking about what’s going on in America and across the world today.

These two are immediately hinting at Donald Trump #FakeNews and, unfortunately, because this is Hollywood we’re talking about, it’s fairly certain that both of these guys are assuming all the fake news is coming from Trump. They’ve not yet noticed that the Russia Collusion Hoax has collapsed and the tide will soon reverse to uncover the astonishing malfeasance of the Obama/Clinton regime and their combined spying on all and sundry using the US Intelligence systems.

They’re also, and this is a feature of the left I seriously can’t understand, at pains trying not to paint the Soviet Union as the evil empire. They have a discussion about gender roles in the Soviet Union begrudgingly admitting that yes, it was a massively male dominated system. The one exceptions being medicine and science, and of course that is the reason why there is a female nuclear physicist in the story: most of the main characters are real, named, individuals, but this character is a composite of many scientists:

CRAIG: I felt I had to create a composite character. One of– Just, right off the bat, this is played by the incredible Emily Watson. I wanna talk for a second talk about gender.-

PETER: Right. –

CRAIG: The Soviet Union was, in many ways, very regressive in terms of, um, its gender politics. The power structures are almost entirely male, and the show reflects that. There’s… you know, I don’t know, probably 90 percent of the characters are male. That reflects the reality of what happened in the Soviet Union, but one area that they were fairly progressive in was science and medicine. There were probably a higher proportion of female medical doctors in the Soviet Union in 1986 than there were in the United States, and there were quite a few female academicians who worked in programs like nuclear science programs. So, I thought it was an important thing to show where the Soviets actually were kind of progressive in this regard. You’ll see a lot of the doctors in the show…-

PETER: Yeah. –

CRAIG: …are women, because that reflected the reality.

Can it really be that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was not very gender neutral and was in fact a pretty horrible place for female advancement? Oh say it wasn’t so! I seem to remember the rather anti-socialist Margret Thatcher what the Prime Minster of Great Britain when Chernobyl blew up.

There is one correct point they make about the socialist Soviet Union. Only a brutal, authoritarian, centralised system could have solved the problems created by that explosion. Only a system where human beings are devalued to sub-human beasts of burden to be directed without any say in their own futures, could have taken the steps necessary to contain the damage and then prevent further damage. Decades of brainwashing had de-individualised the people such that they could be ordered to perform incredibly dangerous and life shortening tasks without rebellion or argument.

It was, however, that same anti-individualistic, brutal, authoritarian, socialist system which had created the critically unsafe reactor design in the first place, the complete misalignment between incentives and rewards which meant completely the wrong people were in positions of authority all over their economy.

But there is something even more astonishing in the opening of episode 4 which the two men discuss here in their podcast:

CRAIG: Ukraine was where Stalin…I think, visited his worst…crimes in the thirties, Stalin’s forced collectivization, his villainization of what they called kulaks.

PETER: Yes. The liquidation of the kulaks.

CRAIG: The liquidation of the kulaks. What were the terrible kulaks? They were basically…-farmers that were successful. –

PETER: Right.

CRAIG: So, farmers that were considered too bourgeoisie,too successful, maybe a little too wealthy… they had to be essentially removed from these farms, so that the farms could be more… “collective”?-

PETER: Right. -Quote-unquote.-Made part of the state. –

CRAIG: But really,Stalin just didn’t like the fact that anybody could have any leverage whatsoever on the central position of the Soviet Union. And if you allow some people to control food supply, they’d become powerful. The kulaks weren’t simply removed. A lot of them were put on trial, they were imprisoned or killed. And the result, when you destroy the economic basis of agriculture, the result is a shortage of food. The other issue is that he was taking the food.-

PETER: Right. –

CRAIG: And so, he would force people in Ukraine to work at length on farms to grow food they were not allowed to eat.-

PETER: Right. –

CRAIG: And they began to starve and die in the streets, there were bodies everywhere.This is one of the great genocides that people don’t talk about.

PETER: In fact she uses a word that I had never heard.-

CRAIG: Holodomor.

PETER: Exactly. And I thought I was pretty up on your history of genocides in the 20th century but it turns out I didn’t know about this one.

CRAIG: No, this is a terrible, terrible story and they estimatesomewhere around three million civilians diedin this forced starvation.

And there you have it: a beautifully succinct telling of the genocidal results of the true horror of socialism / communism, wrapped up in totalitarianism and the state control of everything. These two aspiring new denizens of the left, no doubt fans of Socialists like Alexandra Ocasio Cortez or Bernie Saunders, literally hadn’t heard about (only one) of the genocidal stories of the history of Communism. Diana West’s book, American Betrayal explains why something that should be common knowledge is relatively unknown on the US left.

Even worse: the story of the Holodomor genocide and starvation in Ukraine is intimately tied up with the lies and deceptions told by a man called Walter Duranty in the pages of the New York Times. Lies and deceptions for which the media elites of the 1930’s saw fit to award Duranty and the New York Times a Pulitzer Prize (later withdrawn). The story of Walter Duranty is so awful, and so huge it surprises me to this day that the New York Times survived with its reputation intact.

Whist trying to make a spurious comparison to Trump as the liar in chief and purveyor of #FakeNews they’re actually pointing to one of the worst examples of the elite media covering up an enormous crime. The same New York Times also failed to adequately report on the Nazi Holocaust, usually relegating “unconfirmed” stories of possible atrocities to middle pages and minor coverage.

The Soviet Union was an evil empire. It seems not everybody in the west today understands that, even someone who has spent the last few years researching a gigantic failure of that evil empire and the lies told about the Soviet Union are still affecting the people today in very dangerous ways.

Just a footnote about me: whilst my Physics PhD is in computer simulations of the flow non-Newtonian fluids, I did a significant part of my first Physics degree in medical physics and a very good part of that is dominated by nuclear medicine. Obviously the energy levels between medical physics and nuclear power differ markedly, but there is a vast deal more of the radiation you encounter in dallying living that comes from medicine than nuclear power.

Watching it re-encouraged me to delve a little more deeply into the underlying science and engineering behind the explosion in the fourth of four reactors in the plant near the town of Chernobyl in 1986. I read the dry details of what happened long ago but the show is a tremendous explanation (the final part will air this week). The show is one of the most accurate depictions of any science or engineering based problem I can remember.