Recently I published a long and carefully written essay about the real far-right. The essay serves as my definition of real far-right because the mainstream media, driven by the far-left, seeks to define almost everything they don’t like as far-right. Laughably, that includes Tommy Robinson and even an indigenous Jew like me.
My method of recognising the far-right today starts with how they regard Judaism, Jews and Israel. If they view all three in a highly negative way, and unashamedly negative in the case of Jews and Judaism, then they’re probably far-right to me. For those who only claim to be against Israel (or Zionism) whilst pretending not to be bigoted toward Jews, they’re probably left or mainstream.
This single paragraph has set literally a few twitter far-right accounts ablaze so it’s worth unpacking. As I was writing a long essay I didn’t labour certain points as hard as I could have.
Regardless of how the mass inflow of mostly Commonwealth and Pakistani immigrants caused problems of assimilation, it did force Britain to confront the ugly reality of racism. As much as ‘anti-racism’ has been exploited by the Marxist left to undermine patriotism, Britain should be proud of the steps it took to counter racism and today I don’t think of Britain as a deeply racist society. All are children of the Empire. The biggest resurgence of dangerous racism today comes from the UK Labour Party.
The first sub clause:
“Regardless of how the mass inflow of mostly Commonwealth and Pakistani immigrants caused problems of assimilation,”
Mass immigration, mostly from the Commonwealth then from Europe, has caused assimilation problems. I’m firmly of the belief that many groups of immigrants have assimilated generally well, one ideology has not. As I pointed out a few lines later “Britain was once an almost exclusively white country”, it was the mass immigration following WWII that exposed Britain to new races. Even though Hollywood films like “The Finest Hour” fictionally insert black faces into scenes for the sake of diversity, there were barely any non-whites living in the UK in 1939. I know this.
The end of the first sentence:
“it did force Britain to confront the ugly reality of racism.”
Importing visually different races into Britain in large numbers definitely brought out visible racism. Prior to that there was also racism and animosity to other outsider populations (like Jews in the East End even though many “looked” white).
Second sentence:
“As much as ‘anti-racism’ has been exploited by the Marxist left to undermine patriotism, Britain should be proud of the steps it took to counter racism and today I don’t think of Britain as a deeply racist society.“
And in this follow on sentence I express what I clearly believe: Britain today is not a highly racist place, no matter how much the far-left scream and point. So many of the people who support Tommy are not racists, have mixed families and are not hateful of gays either. Gay hatred is also a defining feature of the far-right.
That might be why the first sentence has led to howls of horror from the actual tiny minority of racists and gay haters that do exist. Somehow people managed to think that I was in praise of mass immigration. If you paraphrase the sign on the entrance to Auschwitz as your screen name on twitter, I’d say you’re putting yourself firmly into my definition of racist, Jew hating far-right.
Finishing the paragraph:
“All are children of the Empire. The biggest resurgence of dangerous racism today comes from the UK Labour Party.”
One of my proof readers gave me the line about children of Empire: as a rebellious Jew living in a country that regained its freedom by fighting that Empire, I no longer see myself as a child of that Empire. Nevertheless, the last part indicates my firm belief that no matter how many racists and Jew haters attack me on twitter, the far bigger societal problem in the UK today is far-left racism and Jew hatred as epitomised by Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.
Interestingly, back at the beginning of my involvement with the EDL and Tommy Robinson, the EDL did not talk about immigration. Tommy’s rarely talked about immigration except to point out his family are partly immigrants. That’s one core reason why the racists and anti-immigrant groups hate him so much and former BNP leader Nick Griffin has attacked Tommy for years.
This retweet by Dalai Carl, of Diversity Macht Frei’s tweet above, seems to think racism would be justified because British “children were being systematically gang-raped by P*** M******”. In over a decade of writing and talking about this issue, ever since I first became aware of it from the EDL web forums and before it was widely publicised, I’ve know that race plays very little role in the Jihad Rape epidemic.
This is why in video after video I stress that it is not gangs of “Asians” or “Pakistani Asians” we need to concern ourselves with. Race isn’t the defining issue, ideology is the issue. This cuts to the centre of why I saw the EDL and Tommy Robinson as something absolutely brand new and largely unique in the UK.
Tommy and the organisation he gave rise to were focused on the details of Islamic ideology and its impact on non Muslims in the UK. Not whites: non Muslims including Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and yes, white British too. They did not talk about, nor concern themselves with, immigration or with race and they didn’t hate gays either. This contrasted starkly with the racists and gay haters from organisations like the British Nationalist Party (BNP) at that time.
And when I’m tweeted at by people who say “Racism is healthy” and link to tired conspiracy theories of how Jews (and only Jews) are to blame for mass immigration, I know I’m absolutely correct in which side of this I’m on. As ever it’s flattering to be told how amazingly powerful my people are, but it just doesn’t add up and everyone who believes this stuff ends up being personally unsuccessful (probably because of a Jewish conspiracy, right?).
If anybody (except the racist Jew haters) has read this far, you’ll understand that I (and by extension Tommy Robinson) are hated so much by the racists and Jew haters precisely because we are not racist and won’t blame or hate Jews!
I conclude with this final tweet because it shows exactly the attitude which revolts me and anyone associating with people like this is dead to me. After the years I’ve worked on supporting Tommy’s efforts to highlight the Jihad rape gangs, the work I’ve done with Peter McLoughlin and many other things I don’t need affirmation from these people.
Ezra Levant flies around the world for a one hour meeting to check Tommy is OK, Avi Yemini and I are working tirelessly to help him. If we’re hated by racists, Jew haters, neo-Nazis and anyone who wants to join their small team, We’re obviously doing something right.

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