This week I’m talking about a case from 2016. Some of the headlines from the case are below the video. It’s pretty clear this case has everything that Tommy Robinson’s case has except the people committing far worse “contempt of court”, as it was redefined in Tommy’s case, were not arrested or prosecuted. Yet another glaring example of how the British Justice system treats anything to do with Islam with as soft a touch as they possibly can.

Mum of girl, 16, raped by three Somali men tells how their 50 friends and relatives harassed her during trial (link)

Family of teenage gang rape victim reveal FIFTY friends of sick Somali men ‘harassed’ them (link)

A private school girl, mothers who excuse gang rape and a terrifying culture clash no one dares talk about: How Somalian men are living by their own laws… and causing devastating repercussions in Britain (link)

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[…] is why in video after video I stress that it is not gangs of “Asians” or “Pakistani Asians” we need to […]