Last week Tommy posted this full video from a Danish TV show questioning a Facebook Spokeshole all about the secondary effects of banning Tommy Robinson from Facebook. Specifically the observable fact that if you even mention Tommy Robinson by name, your post is likely to be removed. If you continue to do this your account will be deleted.
In this podcast I go over the transcript pointing out some of the astonishing details of what was said. The transcript comes from Gates of Vienna (one of the oldest and best counter Jihad blogs in the world). Many thanks to Tania Groth for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling.
Here are some of the points I make:
- Lotte is the first journalists to ask Facebook directly for the evidence of what it claimed he did to deserve to be removed.
- Facebook haven’t ever produced screenshots of problematic posts and can’t produce them.
- The claims made by Facebook can’t be confirmed by any journalists.
- The process by which people are chosen to be removed is entirely internal within Facebook though they may consult “experts”.
- No details of these processes will be provided to journalists.
- Facebook wishes there were global rules for “hate speech”.
- Facebook is not content to just apply rules against illegal speech, they must go much further and prevent people being harmed by “hate speech”.
Facebook is unfit to be running their network with the kind of power they have. My personal belief is that the world does not need it and Facebook is indeed a massive danger to all free societies. Centralised control and power such that Mark Zuckerberg wields, is too dangerous. I wrote more about Zuckerberg here.
If you’re interested in a legal effort to challenge Facebook (in a way that could inflict a financial blow on them which could threaten the existence of the entire company, take a look at this post.
The full original interview with subtitles is here on the Rair Foundation Website.

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