You have to watch the first minute of the video to see why I KNOW Tommy Robinson is NOT far right or a racist!
I put out a Facebook status yesterday with that same, provocative, first sentence and before even reading the second sentence I was getting angry comments!
Of course I know Tommy Robinson is not racist and I know he’s not far-right. I’ve known this from the first time I came across him a long time ago and because, unlike these arseholes in the mainstream press, I’ve spent time getting to know who he is!
Tommy Robinson and Brian of London, Tel Aviv, November 2016
BBC’s letter telling Tommy Robinson he is supposed to be the subject of an act of “journalism” committed by the BBC.
Instead the UK will be treated to “Trans Kids: Why Medicine Matters – How much do we understand about the care being offered to transgender children?” – I’m sure that is an absolutely red hot subject for discussion amongst the vast majority of the BBC’s compelled license fee payers and not at all an elitist or marginal interest.
This week was supposed to be a huge week for far-left Hope Not Hate: they will launch their annual “State of the Far Right” report. Simultaneously they had planned for their puppets at the BBC to screen a BBC Panorama “documentary” which they were involved in directing (something that shouldn’t happen). Tommy Robinson’s #Panodrama has already stoped this.
Hope not Hate’s website always features best selling author, Tommy Robinson, prominently. He is the number one bogeyman they use to justify their own dangerous existence.
Fortunately best selling author Tommy Robinson managed to send people undercover to reveal the journalistic malpractice at BBC Panorama. This will be fully revealed in his Panodrama documentary outside BBC’s offices in Manchester on 23rd of February. This has also meant the BBC will no longer be able to broadcast a project they’ve been working on for months because of a pre-emptive legal threat from Tommy’s lawyers. In advance of them even completing their TV “documentary” working title: “Tommy Take Down”, they’ve agreed not to showing it this month.
Nevertheless, in the coming days you’re going to see dozens of mainstream UK Press articles based on a report compiled by far-left communists at Hope Not Hate, the UK’s junior version of America’s widely discredited far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Both organisations regularly issue reports which are riddled with abysmal research, lies and journalistic malpractice. They both sit at the heart of networks funded by the largest far-left benefactors such as George Soros: his organisations directly quote from these two often.
The first I’ve come across is by Mark Townsend in the far-left Guardian. He is the “Home affairs editor of the Observer” and “Press Awards news reporter of the year.”. It would appear his skilz extend all the way to re-writing press releases and putting out hagiographic reports about far-left Hope Not Hate. In his piece from Saturday 16th Feb there isn’t a single word or quote to challenge Hope Not Hate.
These reports always centre on a “poll”
A survey of UK attitudes, commissioned by anti-fascist group Hope not Hate, found that 68% of people felt there was not a political party that represented them, up from 61% when the same question was posed last July.
By contrast, the reach of far-right personalities can be large, with nearly four in 10 revealing that they had watched or heard one of Tommy Robinson’s videos on social media, although only 6% of Britons have a positive view of the former English Defence League (EDL) leader, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.
“We are facing a crisis of growing political mistrust across all sections of the population, with no figure able to galvanise the support they need to overcome this disconnect,” said Nick Lowles, chief executive of Hope not Hate. He added: “A mistrust in political representatives adds potency to a mix of unmet expectations, broken promises, and possible further decline and anger.”
This line “6% of Britons have a positive view of” Tommy Robinson is a good example of how these snakes work. If the full report reveals the interview questions I’m sure we’ll find this 6% comes from a question such as “what is your view on far-right convicted fraudster, Tommy Robinson” positive, neutral, negative. It remains to be seen what the size of the neutral is. Regardless, the framing of the question will have been negative, it will have come following other negative questions and on top of a decade of demonising Tommy in the media.
The aim is to get Tommy banned from Facebook and all funding sources.
As you see these reports pop up this week, just remember what the aim here is. Hope Not Hate have the ear of government, the Police and all the elite organs of state. They are pushing to get Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook, his last significant social media presence and one that has grown massively. They want his sources of funds and access to fundraising from the people cut off (while they remain free to gather funds from billionaires and even government contracts).
If you see an article attacking Tommy and trying to push this discredited far-right explosion narrative, give it the contempt it deserves and, if you can, leave a comment explaining how you feel.
Podcast asks what is a Zionist and why does Tommy Robinson identify with being a Zionist?
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My forest chat not from the forest. Following the videos I’ve put out on Panodrama and Tommy Robinson I’ve had the inevitable upswing in comments screaming about Tommy being a Zionist shill, working for Israel or Jews in America. I think its useful to answer these, not that I think I’m going to convince so many of these people, but a lot of you want to know how to answer this kind of thing.
The book I mentioned briefly, which isn’t a comprehensive history of Zionism but is a great personal account of Chaim Weizmann who became Israel’s first President and played a key role in negotiating the Balfour Declaration with the British. It’s called “Trial and Error”.
To date there has been an absolute complete media blackout on the Panodrama story. Tommy’s released a number of teaser videos which have all had hundreds’s of thousands of views within hours. As I said on Twitter: still the total mainstream media blackout. They are DESPERATE for the clicks and views these videos will get, but they daren’t take part in shaming the BBC. How long before someone breaks?
Well they didn’t break, they used a different tactic. The Sun came up with a counter punch. Normally they have these stories sitting on the bench. I don’t believe for one minute that The Sun managed to get hold of Tommy’s private messages to a private chat with his mates all of a sudden. It would be far more normal that they secured the videos a while back.
How does co-ordination happen, any collusion?
The bit that puzzles me is how does the co-ordination happen? How do all the supposedly independent and fiercely competitive UK news sources all decide, with absolute lock step rigour, that nobody will even mention Tommy’s forthcoming exposé of the BBC or the public demonstration in Manchester on Feb 23rd for which people are already making travel plans! Any collusion perhaps?
Obviously the far-left, hate crowd are crowing about the contents of Tommy’s drunken banter with his mates but it’s all to no avail. This won’t land any blows on Tommy with those who support him, it won’t sway many neutrals against him and, right at this moment, it is driving traffic to his own Panodrama videos.
Here’s Tommy’s explanation video cut with elements of the teasers for the Panodrama takedown of Panorama that’s coming on Feb 23rd on a giant screen outside the BBC’s offices in Manchester. While trying not to cover Tommy’s news, and pushing out more fake news drama about a typical British lad getting drunk and drunkenly bantering with his mates, they’ve done exactly what they set out not to do: publicise Panodrama.
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