Tommy Robinson has caught the BBC’s premiere, flagship investigative news program, Panorama, trying to fabricate a hit piece on him. In reply he has set them up: they came to interview him and he turned the tables on them. He will reveal all his footage on February 23rd on a giant screen outside their offices in Manchester, for now he’s releasing little snippets.
Background videos, Tommy Robinson and BBC Panorama
John Sweeny of Panorama sharing his views on what it’s like to meet a white, working class man in a green room at the BBC: a cannibal Amazonian or something from outer space.
Here’s Tommy, toward the end of the big reveal in the trap he set for the BBC where they thought they were coming to interview him and he turned the tables on them. He’s asking why the far-left, Soros and UK Government funded hate organisation “Hope not Hate” was present at some of the interviews conducted by the BBC for the making of this “independent” act of journalism. Watch the stunned silence from the producers.
After meeting and talking to Katie Hopkins in Jerusalem this week, I wanted to explain what should Brits and Europeans be learning from Israel, instead of falling into the trap of hating Jews and Israel. You have your own indigenous homelands, you just have to take them back from the far-left, cultural marxist and globalist forces who have gripped your politics for far too long.
Nationalism can be great again without anyone having to get genocided!
In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, documentary maker Steve Rosenbaum talks about his film on 9/11, “Seven Days in September”; Our Man in London talks about the reaction to the new light shed on the police shooting of an innocent man at a tube station; and controversial Australian historian Keith Widschuttle discusses the politicisation of history and how to resist it.
Also mentioned, Samizdata, Mark Steyn, Cindy Sheehan and “flaming Jewish arrows”, Sydney blogger Leigh Cartwright, the withdrawl from Gaza and why no one wants to be prime minister of Israel, Brazialian-Israeli on the spot in Gaza blogger Renatinha of Balagan fame, Meryl Yourish, and righteous penetint Scott Randolph has the scales fall from his eyes so he can see the light. [James Brown voice] I SAID, HAVE YOU SEEEEEEEN THE LIGHT! [/JAMES BROWNVOICE]
And as always we bring you the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon.
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I’m looking at better and more efficient ways of distributing this podcast by also using a new hosting service called Liberated Syndication, so an alternative is for you to get the podcast from here . Let me know if that works better for you, and if it does then I’ll switch to in permenantly.
Don’t forget to vote for this program at Podcast Alley, for all the good it does in the face of the unstoppable juggernaut of right wing funniness that is the IMAOPodcast. Curse you Frank J!
Of note to modern day Shire Network News geeks: this show is the original source of the Blog News bumper clip! About 5 min in you can hear Tom pick it up and use it as we then did for all time.
In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Our Man in London reports on a very British brouhaha over the former foriegn secretary’s funeral.
A “controversial” Australian historian (and when I say “controversial” I mean not a raving PC nutjob) Keith Widschuttle joins us to discuss the politicisation of history and how to resist it.
And the only New Zealand political party leader to also be an active blogger, Rodney Hide of the ACT Party previews his chances in the upcoming election.
And as always we bring you the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon.
We also have a challenge – send in a series of completely true and yet taken together highly misleading, facts about yourself, strung together in such a way as to make your life sound a lot more interesting that it actually is. Listen to the podcast for a couple of good examples.
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