Yesterday morning, afterTommy Robinson had tried to talk to the far-left activist Mike Stuchbery following his online cheerleading for the gang that went to Tommy’s house over the weekend, Mick Stuchbery was spotted being interviewed by BBC Panorama in a park in Luton.
BBC Panorama interview Mike Stuchbery, Luton, 5th March
Last night US independent journalist and online investigator, Nick Munroe, published a series of devastating tweets highlighting Mike Stuchbery’s glee at the prospect of others committing violent acts. Especially if this violence and hatred is directed against Tommy Robinson or anyone else who dares to disagree with Mike Stuchbery’s extremist, far-left ideology.
So how do you know BBC Panorama aren’t journalists? Watch the video to find out.
Here’s the chat, background on Count Dankula is below. We talked about all sorts of stuff, his Nazi Pug joke, Tommy Robinson in the tank on the Golan heights picture, Israel and many other topics!
Last night I spent two enjoyable hours shooting the breeze with convicted hate speech criminal, Count Dankula. You may remember his story: he was convicted last year of committing the ultimate crime in the UK. He posted a joke video of his girlfriend’s dog. The issue was he told a simple joke. He wanted to turn the cute pug into the most evil and horrible thing he could think of so he turned the dog into a Nazi. He trained Buddha the Pug to raise his paw when he said “gas the Jews”.
It was clear from the context of the video it was a joke. Some people found it funny, some didn’t and some thought it would be a good idea to prosecute this man in Scottish courts and eventually find him guilty. He has been fined but refuses to pay his fine. He has donated the value of his fine to a charity, it’s not about the money, it’s about speech.
It’s insulting for me to have to say he isn’t hateful, a Jew hater, antisemite or Nazi. This is self evident. That a court had to wilfully disregard all context in his video to find him guilty is a massive stain on Scottish and eventually the UK’s entire legal system.
I have to say there was a serious far-right Jew hatred problem in the live chats. Honestly I didn’t watch them for the first hour and a half and only toward the end did I look. By then they had improved quite a bit. I am still more comfortable talking to his edgy audience and honestly I feel they listened to me more than any hearing I would have got from a correspondingly pro BDS, anti-Israel and Jew hating audience on the other side.
I was sent this nicely put together series of clips and explanation of recent Tommy Robinson statements and the way they’ve been twisted. I added the narration.
These are just the basics you need to know about Tommy Robinson before you judge his ban following #Panodrama.
On Friday the UK Labour Party’s Shadow Minister for Digital Censorship and banning any speech that isn’t both Sharia compliant and politically correct, Tom Watson, issued a chilling public letter to the Chief Executive of Google (YouTube). He put this out as an image (which is annoying as hell) but I’ve turned it into text and will publish it in full here with my comments back to Mr Tom Watson.
Dear Mr Watson
Dear Mr Pichai
I am contacting with you regard to the use of your YouTube platform by a violent, racist, Islamophobic campaigner called Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, better known in the UK and globally as Tommy Robinson.
I’ll skip over the grammatical issues, as usual you appear to make a big deal out of Tommy Robinson’s “real name”. Most people quickly come to terms with why people stepping into the public eye chose to use pseudonyms. This is especially true when others who have challenged Islam have been murdered or are under continuous death threat (Pim Fortuyn or Salman Rushdie are just two examples). Tommy himself has had a number of serious attempts to take his life with multiple Islamic terrorists currently in UK prisons for attempting to blow him and other to kingdom come in the past.
On Tuesday Facebook and Instagram removed his page, related pages and materials from their platforms for breaching their “Organised Hate” policies. However, as is quite clear from the comments threads on stories documenting this decision, Yaxley-Lennon supporters are transferring over their virulent hate to YouTube.
This paragraph is also filled with grammatical disasters, we’ll just take it as read from here that this letter is something I’ll be showing to my kids as an example of how not to write. Yes, Facebook caved to far-left pressure and deleted Tommy Robinson’s wildly successful Facebook page 24 hours after the posting of his devastating Panodrama documentary and it reaching more than 1 million views on Facebook. Why did this devastating exposé of the BBC trigger such a swift response from Facebook?
Yaxley-Lennon had 294,000 subscribers as of Wednesday. Since then, with YouTube his only remaining platform of global significance, his subscribers have leaped to 325,000. Recent videos he posted have been watched by between one and two million people. He is also using YouTube to move his supporters over to a website and encouraging them to make donations to keep his movement alive.
Instead of becoming the UK’s new thought police, do you want, perhaps, to consider why so many people in the UK and world wide are eager to hear what he has to say? You’ve got a problem now: if you truly believe Tommy Robinson represents an ultra-extreme position, why are so many people watching his videos so soon after they’re published?
YouTube’s policy on hate speech prohibits content which promotes violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on attributes including religion, race, immigration status or nationality. Many of his videos are clearly in breach of this policy.
Which videos on his YouTube channel today breach policies? Why haven’t they been taken down already? Clearly, if you believe it to be “many” you’ll have found them and will be able to provide them to us all as an appendix to your letter. I will be calling your office on Monday morning and asking for this list. I am in touch with Tommy and will take up any complaints you have directly with him and consider if any of his videos should be withdrawn.
If you believe Tommy Robinson has breached any of the UK’s draconian, anti-free speech laws, which have been enacted in recent years, why has he not been arrested? As you well know, I’m sure, he was wrongly imprisoned for speaking outside Leeds court. That case was overturned by the highest court in the land, last year, and his wrongful conviction quashed.
I understand YouTube suspended all adverts on his channel in January, cutting off significant revenue stream. I am now writing to implore you as a matter of the utmost urgency to follow the lead that has been, belatedly, set by Facebook, and remove forthwith all “Tommy Robinson” and related pages from your YouTube platform.
Advertiser friendly and contravenes YouTube’s community standards are two totally different categories, for now. Rational people who value free speech hope this remains so.
As the UK’s Shadow Digital Secretary I have recently been making the argument that the social media companies have failed to regulate hate speech and harm on their platforms. It is clear, as I am sure you are aware, that UK legislators are now moving rapidly towards introducing legal regulatory powers to deal with this those who seek to use the garb of freedom of speech to, instead, preach violent hate with the aim of damaging and undermining our society.
I hope UK voters can see that however bad restrictions on what was once considered “free speech” by the “mother of parliaments” are under the current Theresa May Conservative regime, they would be much worse if your Jew hating, Corbyn Labour Party ever seized power.
Tommy Robinson YouTube views – geography
It is also the case that 30% of Tommy Robinson’s YouTube views come from outside the UK. What right does an out of power politician from the losing political party at the last UK general election have to determine what viewers in America can see?
The public interest is demanding an end to the laissez-faire approach to regulation not just in the UK but globally. However that should not mean that the social media firms avoid their responsibilities in the meantime to take action where it is clearly and vigorously required.
It would appear, seeing as how the Labour Party lost the most recent UK election, the last time this proviso was actually tested before the electorate, they chose the least bad option with regard to destruction of the necessary freedoms for maintaining a recognisable democracy. Freedom of speech, even unpleasant speech, is absolutely necessary to a functioning democracy. The freedom to challenge, with speech, a violent and aggressive ideology would appear to be a basic right you wish to remove from UK citizens like Tommy Robinson and the millions who wish to watch and share his videos.
I would ask that you immediately close down all of Yaxley-Lennon’s sites on YouTube before the virus of his views grooms countless more followers via your platform. I should also inform you, as a matter of politeness, that I will be releasing this letter to the media.
Fortunately the truth is sometimes a particularly virulent virus while the lies you peddle (such as “Islam is a religion of peace” for example) must be reinforced by draconian laws and repeated until the slaves understand the cost of challenging them is too high. Fortunately a few brave people exist to challenge your totalitarian dictates, people like Tommy Robinson.
I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely
Tom Watson MP Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
I hope Google has the sense to resist this, I don’t have a lot of confidence. I look forward to hearing all the specific details of videos on Tommy Robinson’s channels which you have painstakingly identified to be “hate speech”. I shall be contacting your office by telephone on Monday (I’m working here on Sunday in Israel because we Jews start our week while you’re still in Church or at the mall). As a matter of politeness, I wish to inform you that I too have released this letter to the world.
First Broadcast October 23, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Laurence Simon goes violently ape on New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin’s arse. Sorry, ass. The reason? Sports. What else is going to really get Americans worked up? A natural disaster? Oh please…Our Man in London continues to taunt us with tales of teenage totty among the Tories, and our feature interview is with blogger Tex, of Whacking Day, about how to use the F-bomb to maximum effect, and strategic use of photos of the dead Che Guevara to drive lefties crazy. Ok, even crazier than usual.
Also in the program, confusion to the French as we celebrate the battle of Trafalgar; how easy it is to contract a case of Conservative Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by reading NRO, Pro-Life Blogs and Info-Theory, all of which seem to believe that the Harriet Miers nomination to the US Supreme Court is the most important event since the cooling of the earth’s crust, assuming you aren’t one of those who believe the universe was created over a week only six thousand years ago or something; the Spectator gets medieveal on New Zealand’s arse; political blogs start calling the shots in the Ohio Senate race; how would Daily Kos fare if it were based in Tehran, where pissing off the mullahs by blogging can get you thirty lashes; “South Park” lampoons the media, who seem curiously reluctant to talk about their Hurricane Katrina performance now that the actual facts are emerging; and the Guardian get to keep using words like “militant”, “insurgent” and “activist” after one of their reporters gets handed back by kidnappers who realise he’s worth more to them alive than dead.
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