Riffing on the absolutely ridiculous state of US politics and especially the continued war against President Trump right now being waged by Nancy Pelosi and her Impeachment articles.
Riffing on the absolutely ridiculous state of US politics and especially the continued war against President Trump right now being waged by Nancy Pelosi and her Impeachment articles.
Pelosi and the Democrat Party stand by Rashida Tlaib hoax-history narrative and the “no Israel for Jews” one State Solution.
Can anyone argue against that statement?
Rashida Tlaib’s comments on the Yahoo podcast have been widely reported and analysed by people who actually know Israel history and in the case of quite a few like Yisrael Medad, lived through period in question. Medad writes:
The simple truth is that Arabs were constantly, consistently and continually violent in their relations with Jews. Before the Balfour Declaration and after. Before the Six-Day War and after. Arab terror was a principle (“Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine,” Article 9 PLO Covenant). The object was to kill Jews. The object still is to kill Jews. There is no differentiation between soldier and civilian or “settler.” All Jewish residential locations are “colonies” and “settlements” within Green Line or in Judea and Samaria.
What Tlaib is pushing is not only a cover-up of the historical record, which I will summarize shortly; she is fashioning an old message into a new narrative form. It is that thanks to the Arabs that Jews have a home. And that message can work, Tlaib believes, not only because she will hammer away at it—bolstered by a sophisticated support apparatus and the nigh-ignorant young Jewish demographic that could and should take her on but doesn’t—but because simply she leaves out all the unhelpful aspects of that period.
Who knew that Yisrael Medad’s words about the support apparatus that props up this hoax history aimed at destroying Israel would include the very tippy top of the Democrat Party.
Overnight this becomes something way bigger than the lies of one newly minted Palestinian American Congresswoman from Michigan. Because Nancy Pelosi, arguably the most important Democrat politician right now, said this:
There is no “smear” in pointing out the nature of the lies Rashida Tlaib is telling. One has to admire Pelosi’s strict party unity in the face of these statements. Standing by Tlaib destroys decades of support for Israel from Democrat politicians and abandons a the large majority of American Jews whose progressive values have largely replaced their Jewish identity.
Update: these Democrats united in backing the Jew hater against Israel. Steyn Hoyer is the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives.