First up I’m talking about Maxine Waters asking Zuckerberg about the Crypto Ad Ban which forms the basis of @jpbliberty‘s Crypto Class Action court case in Australia. You can see that clip here on 3speak. This is a watershed moment, it’s by far and away the most important mainstream mention of this action taken by the tech Goliaths.
I’m also talking more generally about Zuckerberg’s recent interviews and his speech at Georgetown University.
Finally I address Indigenous Identity very briefly.
Happy to see comments and answer questions down below! Let me know what you think about any of this.
The Maxine Waters clip on C-Span is here:

You can join the fight against the Tech Goliaths in two ways, you have a no win no fee claim or you wish to help finance the case.
⭐️ Please join the case if you held crypto and have a claim.
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