In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Our Man in London reports that Tony Blair is apparently taking advice from Scott Burgess, Harry and a few other bloggers on how to handle Jihadi inciters.
We go to Baghdad to speak to Omar, from Iraq the Model, about blogging from a war zone, and why what you see on your TV screen is most assuredly not the full picture.
As always we bring you the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon, at the end of which I practically beg him to get me a gig on the much bigger and more popular IMAO Podcast. It’s true, I have no shame, and there are no depths to which I will not sink in order to get some fame. What I really want to do eventually is direct though…
And finally we travel to the land of leprechauns, jigs, shamrocks, and…uh…kneecappings. Mick Fealty, the man behind the essential Northern Ireland blog/news portal Slugger O’Toole joins us to talk about the IRA‘s announcement it’s giving up it’s “armed struggle”, and what this means for the future of the province. Anything that means less media coverage for Ted Kennedy’s bloviating is fine with me.

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