Podcast talks to Meir HaLevi Weinstein discusses Al Quds Day

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast talks to Meir HaLevi Weinstein discusses Al Quds Day

My Indigenous friend, Ryan Bellerose called and I couldn’t say no. Turned out we had a good old chat.

I cut off the beginning of this but if you want to see it, it’s on Facebag. The video will be up on 3speak soon and I’ll embed it later.

Podcast says Thanksgiving, let’s talk about it and who’s indigenous and does it matter anymore?

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast says Thanksgiving, let's talk about it and who's indigenous and does it matter anymore?

Here are the two videos that kicked off my thinking on this:

I think the American Thanksgiving Holiday is terrific. It’s a solid holiday that the whole nation can get behind and a strong binding force. That’s not to say we have to ignore how America came into being and the indigenous cultures and peoples who were there before and who were, in many cases, destroyed. There’s no way to change that now, but hating America for it doesn’t help anyone.

If I’m going to be talking about Indigenous peoples and Indigenous rights, I can’t fail to link to Ryan Bellerose’s seminal article: Who’s Indigenous.

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