Victor Orbán in Hungary seems to be the leader most other nations in Europe have lacked. The subversive far-left, including the Israeli far-left, have tried to paint him as far-right and antisemitic, mostly over his firm opposition to Hungarian born George Sorros.

Sorros is an inveterate meddler in elections. Soros is meddling non-stop in Israel to swing us away from the sane path we’re on here with a broadly right wing position about security: voters here keep choosing Netanyahu in defiance of the suicidal left.
A month ago at a conservative conference in Jerusalem (the first of its kind) Douglas Murray gave a key note speech and was interviewed. The interviewer asked him if he thought Victor Orbán was antisemitic: he snapped back with a very quick no. Douglas is right.
My friend Andrew posted the following about Hungary’s continuing moves to bolster its native birth rate rather than bring in immigrants.
Europe finally wakes up to its fertility crisis!
Well some of Europe anyway.
Hungary is introducing dramatic new incentives for couples to marry and have 3-4 children. They include $35k grants for 3 kids and tax free forever for birthing and raising 4 kids!
Hungarian PM Orban’s policies have already increased the birth rate 20% this decade but much more is needed if European civilization is to survive.
These policies make good economic sense because every additional child will pay millions in taxes to the state over its lifetime.
So the State can afford to give big incentives for having and raising children.
He then links to this in Zerohedge: Hungary Offering $35,000, Lifetime Tax Exemption For Having Lots Of Children.

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