Every week Brian gives you his taken on the culture wars, news of the day and whatever crosses his consciousness. Brian is a Jewish expat Brit who’s returned home to his indigenous homeland: Israel. I could be covering Israeli, US or British politics, security resisting global Jihad. Brian’s a Brexiteer, a friend of Tommy Robinson and staunchly pro Western Civilisation.
Not content with smearing Ben Shapiro as being some sort of alt-Right leader instead of one of its most hated targets, The Economist is consistently maliciously wrong about Israel. In today’s podcast I deconstruct the following paragraph from their article about Israel’s forthcoming election.
This is the Eurabia edition of The Economist I remember and talk about here.
Why does Maajid Nawaz get to call Tommy Robinson’s views radical and what part did Maajid and Quilliam play in Tommy’s vastly increased reach and the widening of his base of people who broadly support his ideas? Tommy’s interview with Sargon of Akkad can be found here.
I'm sorry Maajid but some of us who have know Tommy Robinson a long time directly credit YOU with increasing his profile massively.
We knew the street protest movement was impossible to control, your work and Govt persecution very much helped.
This show is a mix of feedback from the first day of Tommy Robinson in court suing Cambridge Police over his now infamous pub and city expulsion. The video of that expulsion, which Tommy first streamed on Periscope, I captured and reposted to YouTube has been shared far and wide. Multiple uploads of it and edits mean it has had millions of views.
The Dutch word I mentioned is “mierenneuken” which you could translate as nit picking if you’re being polite.
Tommy has refused financial settlements with gag orders in order to continue asking for a public apology and an admission that what the police did that day was wrong.
I also tell the story of Tommy refusing to pay what he called “jizya” – the tax paid by non-Muslim dhimmi subjects under Islamic rule – when the religious Muslim authorities at the Temple Mount wanted to charge him to borrow a shawl to cover his tattoos.
I thought this was going to be a 3rd wave feminist overload movie but it wasn’t. I think the SJWs have captured the marketing department at Marvel but somewhere deep in the story writing parts, there are some real freedom lovers with a strong sense of moral history!
Tommy Robinson charged with hurting the feelings of child rapists and the highest goal of Twitter is to protect snow flakes from hurt feelings. It’s all linked!
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