I received this email from YouTube over the weekend. At first I thought it was another malicious copyright or flagging strike but no, this one turns out to be different. Here’s the text (my highlights):
Regarding your account: Brian London
We have received a legal complaint regarding your video from the government. After review, the following video: Robert Spencer on Fox and Friends has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):
PakistanYouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help center article on legal complaints.
The YouTube TeamYouTube email
This bit catches my eye: “We have received a legal complaint regarding your video from the government.”

Oh…. let me read on, this is from THE GOVERNMENT of Pakistan! Strange how it just reads “The Government” at the beginning though.
What we have here is Google/YouTube enforcing the censorship laws of an Islamic State (Pakistan) even though those laws should not apply to me or to Google. Google have chosen to be good Dhimmis, respecting the laws of superior Muslims.
The video itself, which I’ll embed below, is one of the very first clips I put on YouTube in 2006. I taped it off Fox News and it is Robert Spencer of JihadWatch and the most remarkable thing about it is how consistent Robert has been through the years. And right. He even talks about an Islamic State, long before what came to be known as ISIS or The Islamic State emerged in the ruins of Iraq and Syria.
Of course Robert doesn’t get booked on Fox and Friends these days: I guess the influence of Pakistan extends beyond YouTube.

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