The Hebrew Israelites seem to be the group that kicked the whole Covington Catholic schoolmess off but who are they? That leads onto the whole discussion of why Judaism and Jews are indigenous to Israel and what Jewish indigenous identity is all about!
The 8th episode of Shire Network News was first broadcast on July 10th 2005, immediately after the multiple suicide bombings across London on the morning of July 7th by a gang of Islamic terrorists. The entire episode discusses this including the first appearance on SNN by Andrew Ian Dodge who became a regular contributor. Andrew passed away from cancer in 2014, may his memory be a blessing.
In this special edition of Shire Network News, there will be no blog news. Humour is inappropriate just now. We have a special extended interview with London-based blogger Andrew Ian Dodge, and the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon.
Also, there is a special introduction which hearkens back, not to the dark days of 1940, but to an even earlier episode of English history.
You can now subscribe to Shire Network News on Apple iTunes. Under “Genres”, select “Podcasts”, type the word “Shire” in the left-hand panel just above the message “Search all podcasts”, and click the magnifying glass icon. You should then be taken to a screen where you can subscribe to SNN.
First I’m going to share two videos: they’re the two best short explanations of how to buy crypto currency (probably Bitcoin is your best bet) and how to use it to support content creators via a site, Bitbacker, which mimics the basic functions of Patreon (without taking the very large % cut that site took. Both videos are by Naomi Brockwell who does a great job explaining the world of the blockchain and crypto currencies to both newbies and experts. After that I’ll tell you why old media and advertising supported media are dying.
How to buy Bitcoin
Using Bitcoin on
The entire mainstream media business model for news (and a fair amount of other content) is collapsing. The viability of advertising supported content is being destroy and won’t come back. Efforts to migrate into the digital world the old business model that moved from print, magazines, radio and eventually TV across the last century will fail. Essentially the old media businesses were based on scarce and limited supply: there was a constrained amount of space for adverts in each newspaper. The prime TV shows ran once a week. Limited supply, growing demand, rich TV talent and executives.
The digital world has unlimited space for advertisements, so much so they’ve gone crazy rendering many mainstream sites unusable without ad blocking.
The limited commodity today is your attention. Every moment you spend reading my blog or watching my videos is a loss for old media. My overheads are low, my time, a few hundred dollars a year in hosting and other subscriptions. And for those of you reading my blog, you’ve probably found me a more reliable source of information than many main stream sources. If you’ve chosen to thank me with a kind word or a value for value contribution, I’m extremely grateful.
I know my content is always going to be beyond the edges of acceptability for those captured by the cultural marxist mindset, a message of personal freedom, superiority of Western Civilisation and Judeo-Christian values puts me at risk of deplatforming. My content certainly isn’t eligible for YouTube monetisation any more.
That’s why I’m so interested in Bitcoin, crypto currencies and the blockchain. They represent something that is very hard to stop. They can limit options for conversion to fiat currency, but it’s hard to block these so completely as there are many paths. I’m not advocating Bitcoin as some kind of “investment” but right now it is easily feasible to buy $100 of it, pass 10 contributions of $10 out to creators and each creator will get something like 95% of the value rather than somewhere around 80%.
If anyone wants any specific help with the concepts here, please contact me, DM’s on twitter are good and you can find an email link in the sidebar to the right.
Good luck and may the rates be forever in your favour!
1. Jews are not a people 2. Jews have no ties to Palestine 3. Arabs are Semites, too 4. Ashkenazi Jews are impostors 5. Six million is a lie 6. Go back to Europe 7. Powerful Jewish lobby 8. There was no Temple 9. Talmudic rituals 10. Christ-killers
If you’re saying any of those things, chances are you’re not a friend of mine. I don’t use the term “antisemite” much, I prefer to say Jew hatred. Because reasons.
I said at the start these are “tells”. Here’s Scott Adams’s definition and explanation of what I really mean by that.
A tell, in this context, means an involuntary action that reveals a person’s inner thoughts in an unguarded moment. In the context of a poker game, a tell might signal a bluff. In the context of police work, a tell might signify a lie. In the context of hypnosis, a tell signifies a switch from rational thinking to irrational thinking.
A tell in this context can mean you guessed the admin password for a human being. The tell is your feedback that the words you used got translated into a physical response. That is the hypnotist’s equivalent of A-B testing. The hypnotist tries an approach and watches for the subject’s physical reaction. Recognizing tells takes practice. The more tells you spot in your lifetime, the easier it is to find more. Your mind gets tuned to them. You recognize the pattern. You see them coming before they even happen, based on the trigger event.
Complicating all of this is the fact that each tell has a false-positive explanation that will always sound plausible. The best way to estimate the odds of a tell being the real thing is by its proximity to a known trigger. If someone exhibits a tell symptom without a trigger, it probably just means you are talking to an idiot. And that happens less than you probably assume it does. All the rest of your “idiot” encounters are smart people experiencing cognitive dissonance and not realizing it. And now for the list of tells.
For the first time in years Shire Network News is back on the iTunes Podcast system. My periodic commentary, Brian’s Forest Talks, is also up as its own Podcast and there is a final, combined, feed that will carry episodes of both the Shire Network News archive and my chats interspersed as and when they come out.
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