Kay Wilson’s amazing book: The Rage Less Traveled out in Kindle eBook

Kay Wilson and Brian of London in the Judean Desert
Kay Wilson and Brian of London in the Judean Desert

It’s so hard to believe this story is true, and that the person writing it went through all of this and lived to tell us her amazing story. And that’s for me when Kay is very good friend of mine.

Kay’s new book is beautifully written. She describes events that very few people have ever survived, her strength and courage after being attacked were amazing. The story begins with how she and her friend were viciously attacked, her friend murdered before her eyes and Kay left for dead. What follows is a funny and thought provoking description of her PTSD after the attack and path to recovery and personal healing and growth is inspiring beyond words. Along the way she has to face her would be murderers in court and, somewhat more scarily, the parents of Kristine Luken, the Christian, American woman who was murdered by the terrorists.

Obviously this experience changed the author and it can clearly be seen from the book how she almost died to write this. In the end there is hope in the story and an inspiration of how powerful the force to live is even in the face of the most crushing evil imaginable.

The Kindle e-book is available right now, the paperback will be ready in a few weeks. Kay’s story is amazing and this is a beautifully written account of it with many more details and beautiful touches than I have ever heard in the many interviews Kay’s given.

You can find more information about Kay on her own website, released with the book: The Rage Less Traveled. This weekend the Jerusalem Post is running an in depth interview with Kay.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

Surface to surface missile destroys Israeli home

Just before I woke up this morning a surface to surface missile fired by terrorists in Gaza flew right over my home and millions of other people in central Israel and exploded with a huge boom in a moshav (village) to the north of Tel Aviv.

Here’s what these surface to surface missiles look like. Calling them rockets or (worse) “home made rockets” is lethal journalism, you’ll hear it a lot later.


This is the sound people to the north of me woke up to. You have to scramble to get your kids to a shelter if you have one in your home as modern Israeli homes do, or to a communal one. You may not get there in time. There was probably 60 to 90s warning.

Drone footage of the damage.

Ground shots of the damage.

Currently the reports say 6 people were injured including 2 babies.

Netanyahu was due to speak at AIPAC on Tuesday, he’ll cut that and fly back to Israel today. His political rival, Benny Gantz will probably stay on and speak today I’m guessing.

The lunatics and the Israel/Jew haters will start shouting about false flags and talking about the Israeli elections. The much more likely reason is that Gaza is a seething cauldron of anger against Hamas: massive demonstrations brutally repressed that you haven’t heard about over the last few weeks.

I’ll tell you something though, this tweet is not an uncommon view here.


Podcast finds huge dishonesty surrounds calling Tommy Robinson and his views “radical”

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast finds huge dishonesty surrounds calling Tommy Robinson and his views “radical”

Why does Maajid Nawaz get to call Tommy Robinson’s views radical and what part did Maajid and Quilliam play in Tommy’s vastly increased reach and the widening of his base of people who broadly support his ideas? Tommy’s interview with Sargon of Akkad can be found here.

Tommy Robinson and Sargon of Akkad.

Watch all of this. State Persecution, Cambridge court case, deplatforming and the Nazi punching story.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.