Podcast deconstructs the Danish Facebook Tommy Robinson spokeshole massacre

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast deconstructs the Danish Facebook Tommy Robinson spokeshole massacre

Last week Tommy posted this full video from a Danish TV show questioning a Facebook Spokeshole all about the secondary effects of banning Tommy Robinson from Facebook. Specifically the observable fact that if you even mention Tommy Robinson by name, your post is likely to be removed. If you continue to do this your account will be deleted.

In this podcast I go over the transcript pointing out some of the astonishing details of what was said. The transcript comes from Gates of Vienna (one of the oldest and best counter Jihad blogs in the world). Many thanks to Tania Groth for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling.

Here are some of the points I make:

  • Lotte is the first journalists to ask Facebook directly for the evidence of what it claimed he did to deserve to be removed.
  • Facebook haven’t ever produced screenshots of problematic posts and can’t produce them.
  • The claims made by Facebook can’t be confirmed by any journalists.
  • The process by which people are chosen to be removed is entirely internal within Facebook though they may consult “experts”.
  • No details of these processes will be provided to journalists.
  • Facebook wishes there were global rules for “hate speech”.
  • Facebook is not content to just apply rules against illegal speech, they must go much further and prevent people being harmed by “hate speech”.

Facebook is unfit to be running their network with the kind of power they have. My personal belief is that the world does not need it and Facebook is indeed a massive danger to all free societies. Centralised control and power such that Mark Zuckerberg wields, is too dangerous. I wrote more about Zuckerberg here.

If you’re interested in a legal effort to challenge Facebook (in a way that could inflict a financial blow on them which could threaten the existence of the entire company, take a look at this post.

The full original interview with subtitles is here on the Rair Foundation Website.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

You can join the fight against the Tech Goliaths in two ways, you have a no win no fee claim or you wish to help finance the case.

⭐️ Please join the case if you held crypto and have a claim.

🏅 You can directly contribute crypto on Fundition. To send fiat currency via PayPal click here. If you want to talk about a large donation, Telegram or email me.

What happens when you reply to Donald Trump and tell him not to trust China?

Yesterday Trump tweeted the following congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people for the 70th anniversary of the cultural revolution which murdered millions of people:

So I responded with a tweet invoking my friend Avi Yemini’s now famous internet meme:

If you don’t know the video you can see that in Avi’s tweet which he put up just a few minutes behind mine:

But what interests me is the utter failure of Google Translate to come up with anything approaching a passable translation of all the insults that were hurled my way by an army of Chinese twitter accounts, bots or not.

I’ll start with just about the only one that Google Translate gets right.

“Why didn’t Hitler kill you?”

Food seems to be a common theme.

"Your mom will buy food within three days.”
“Your mom will buy food within three days.”

Once again food purchasing, but this time with chess! Is an accusation of playing chess a reference to the cultural revolution and the destruction of the bourgeois middle class?

“Your dad will be accused of playing chess, your mother must double the purchase of food.”
“Your dad will be accused of playing chess, your mother must double the purchase of food.”

Now we move on to the medicine section with some capitalism hate thrown in.

“Your mother will buy medicine and will increase the price.”
“Your mother will buy medicine and will increase the price.”

Insults about being a poor family man?

“Your mother as not taught you how to call your grandson?"
“Your mother as not taught you how to call your grandson?”

And we’ll end with possibly my favourite purely because it is so obviously completely without meaning.

“Your dad sells eucalyptus”
“Your dad sells eucalyptus”

How on earth can anyone claim that the world is anywhere near approaching some kind of useful, general Artificial Intelligence when the wealthiest company in the world can’t even begin to translate what are probably common curses from a language spoken by a billion people?

P.S. if anyone can actually read Chinese characters and give me real translations I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

Podcast explains the Global Warming Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast explains the Global Warming Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax

This is it…. how to talk about the Climate Catastrophe hoax without dismissing it all but without needing to go into the complete details of every scientific climate theory ever invented, tested, proved, disproved and replaced with something better.

I’m talking about how simulations work, what the atmosphere is composed of, what 400 parts per million actually means and why we say that instead of 0.04% even though its the same.

I also make reference to studies of local ground level pollution in Israel during Yom Kippur and how this drops very fast when we stop driving and running industry. That’s one of the reasons I’m optimistic that we can fix whatever man has done and we can live with any changes.

Man is hugely resilient and the planet is too. Together we’ll solve problems only as long as we don’t install political systems and governance that destroy human ingenuity. Installing globalised communistic or socialist systems seems to be what underlies all of those pushing the climate crisis hoax and their Green New Deal and other delusional focusing on CO₂ as the only thing that matters.

In the end I’m optimistic that man can solve all problems of changing climate whether we made it change or not. But not through communism, socialism or globalism and central control.

My previous important discussions on Climate Change:

Trump is a builder

I picked up the urge to watch this video of Trump at the wall from Dan Bongino’s podcast. I’m glad I did watch the whole thing. All through Trump’s 2015/16 campaign, and especially before his nomination, I watched his arena act. It was always a fantastic combination of great story telling and borderline stand up comedy. This was Trump before the teleprompter spoiled him. Later he developed the ability to wander off script a bit more but the teleprompter was still a disaster.

This is Trump holding an impromptu show and tell for the sceptical press. He brings in the experts around him, he praises the workers, he never takes credit for other people’s hard work. We don’t see it here but I’d love to know if he handed out $100 tips to the construction workers that day as we know he does with all the staff at hotels and other places he stops.

When he’s speaking about building, he knows his stuff. He understands how concrete and steel combine, different concrete formulations, densities and how they have to be poured. He fundamentally knows this business. He wanted to talk about the high tech systems, he was gently persuaded not to go into details. He might have been the guy at the top of his companies, but it is blindingly obvious he spent a whole lot of time on construction sites actually talking to and watching what craftsmen and labourers did at his companies.

This is the Trump that won the heartlands of America. This is what he needs to do more of.

Podcast talks Tommy Robinson released, crazy Israeli politics, Web 3.0 and 3speak vs YouTube

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast talks Tommy Robinson released, crazy Israeli politics, Web 3.0 and 3speak vs YouTube

Tommy Robinson was finally released from his super max, isolation prison. Insanity. Good to seem him out and very good to hear his voice again. I give a bit of a run down on Web 3.0, the decentralisation of applications and web sites. This is the next generation on from using monolithic sites like Facebook and Google. It’s no wonder that these Goliaths tried to crush this nascent tech with their illegal crypto advertising ban.

Once again I’m explaining why 3speak.online is different and why I’m posting my material there instead of YouTube. One announcement: on the 6th of October I’ll have $50 to hand out for great comments on my videos. This is rotating promotion from 3speak giving me the power of their account to award upvotes on comments. I’ll be upvoting comments left within the last week on 6th October!

Here’s another little bonus that won’t make it as a full podcast on its own: I flew around Beit Shemesh the other day and talked about Pewdiepie and the ADL.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

You can join the fight against the Tech Goliaths in two ways, you have a no win no fee claim or you wish to help finance the case.

⭐️ Please join the case if you held crypto and have a claim.

🏅 You can directly contribute crypto on Fundition. To send fiat currency via PayPal click here. If you want to talk about a large donation, Telegram or email me.