From the BBC:
A member of the House of Lords has been charged with two counts of attempting to rape a girl.
Former Labour peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, 61, is also charged with indecent assault of a boy under 13.
Prosecutors allege the offences took place between 1971 and 1974, when Lord Ahmed would have been aged between 14 and 17.
Two other men, Mohammed Farouq, 68, and Mohammed Tariq, 63, both from Rotherham, have also been charged.
All three men are due to appear at Sheffield Magistrates’ Court on 19 March.
Lord Ahmed charged with attempted rape of girl – BBC News
Notice how dry this piece is, it doesn’t go into any background details on Rotherham, home to some of the UK’s most prominent but certainly not only Muslim rape gang prosecutions. There’s an entire Wikipedia page on Rotherham’s rape gangs. You can also read extensively about Rotherham in Easy Meat. None of that detail fits in this article by the BBC.
Is this crime consistent with the “Child Sexual Exploitation” and grooming gangs? We don’t know from this reporting, it could be the victims were from his own family and thus nothing to do with the rape gangs: we just don’t know yet. I’m sure the trial will be covered in minute detail: no, it won’t.
It was also Lord Ahmed that called for 10,000 Muslims (a highly significant number from the Koran) to march on the Houses of Parliament if Geert Wilders was allowed into the UK. It’s likely that his threats of violence caused the Home Secretary to block Wilders entry (which was later found to have been unlawful). Geert returned to the UK successfully a few months later.
This is the same Killer Lord Ahmed who was convicted of causing death by dangerous driving (he was probably texting when he drove into a stationary broken down car and killed a man). The circumstances around how he wriggled out of a conviction for dangerous driving and was then released very early from his prison sentence smack of political string pulling.
He is also the same Lord Ahmed who I personally invited to a lunch time talk given by Bat Ye’or at the House of Lords in 2007! I personally printed envelopes and stuffed invitations to every member of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. I also invited a fair few of the media. We had a pretty good turn out for these kinds of events, maybe 50 or 60 and among the audience, much to everyones surprise was Lord Ahmed.
He sat and listened to Bat Ye’or’s presentation of her Eurabia thesis and at the end his arm went up to ask a question. The moderator (Edward Leigh MP whose office had invited Bat Ye’or to speak) called on him.
He gave a breathless and largely incoherent admonishment to Bat Ye’or: told her that everything she had said was rubbish (without refuting any facts) but he ended with something very clear:
“If that is your definition of an Islamist, madam, I am an Islamist.” – Lord Ahmed of Rotherham
And then he got up and left.
Her definition of an Islamist was pretty much the same one we use today: someone seeking to take over and rule the world, in this case using the political part of Islam’s political military complex.
So I think we should probably take him seriously when he puts a bounty on the head of the sitting and former presidents of the US and, in my opinion, ask Muslims world wide to go and kill them. Are you paying attention over there in the Secret Service? That’s a credible threat against the life of not one, but two of your presidents.

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[The end of this post first appeared on Israellycool here in 2012]