Podcast says Thanksgiving, let’s talk about it and who’s indigenous and does it matter anymore?

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast says Thanksgiving, let's talk about it and who's indigenous and does it matter anymore?

Here are the two videos that kicked off my thinking on this:

I think the American Thanksgiving Holiday is terrific. It’s a solid holiday that the whole nation can get behind and a strong binding force. That’s not to say we have to ignore how America came into being and the indigenous cultures and peoples who were there before and who were, in many cases, destroyed. There’s no way to change that now, but hating America for it doesn’t help anyone.

If I’m going to be talking about Indigenous peoples and Indigenous rights, I can’t fail to link to Ryan Bellerose’s seminal article: Who’s Indigenous.

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Jeremy Corbyn and the Conspiracy Theory Mindset

Corbyn’s UK Labour Party are trying to deflect away from an absolute catastrophe of an interview on BBC last night with Andrew Neil.  Labour have released a whole pile of documents purporting to show negotiations with the US over the NHS (National Health Service). Their claims are nonsense, if you want a summary look here on Guido Fawkes.

What caught MY eye is the official Conservative party response:

“Jeremy Corbyn is getting desperate and is out-and-out lying to the public about what these documents contain. He has always believed in conspiracy theories – which is why he has failed to crack down on the scourge of antisemitism in his party. This is the man that has caused huge offence by blaming an imaginary ‘Zionist lobby’ for society’s ills and now he has decided to smear UK officials too.

“People should not believe a word that he says – this stunt is simply a smokescreen for the fact that he has no plan for Brexit and that he has been forced to admit that he wants to increase taxes for millions of families.“

As we have consistently made clear: the NHS will not be on the table in any future trade deal and the price that the NHS pays for drugs will not be on the table. This sort of conspiracy theory fuelled nonsense is not befitting of the leader of a major political party

UK Conservative party response to Labour.

That bit tying belief in antisemitic conspiracy theories to this totally non-Jewish story about the NHS is a big move. I think they’re intellectually correct, but from a totally Jewish point of view I do worry how Corbyn Labour Party Jew hatred is dominating the entire conversation about Corbyn. His economic insanity should be more than bad enough on its own to stop him being elected.

Here’s the Andrew Neil, Jeremy Corbyn interview in full in case you haven’t seen it.

Podcast talks Trump and Bibi Netanyahu vs the Deep State

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
BrianofLondon's Forest Talks
Podcast talks Trump and Bibi Netanyahu vs the Deep State

I haven’t been able to update these podcasts as diligently as I’d like. If you rely on the podcast version of my talks, drop me a line at the email address on the web site: Brian at brianoflondon.me.

This week I spoke about Trump and Bibi and the forces against both of them that seem similar.

Democratic Leadership 2020 Tweets

Over the last few days we’ve been showered with rockets here in Israel. I’ve gone looking for tweets by 2020 Democratic Leadership contenders. I found fewer statements than I expected. If I’ve missed any please let me know, put a link in the comments.

For a good summary of what’s happened so far in video form, here’s Avi Yemeni:

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