I hadn’t quite realised the extent to which legacy social media like Twitter forbids references to Crypto based businesses. I tried to share a Steem Ninja sign up link on Twitter yesterday and noticed this morning that clicking on it gives this result.

I spent more than 30 minutes yesterday talking to the two people behind the company that runs Steem Ninja which provides a simple way to get onto the blockchain based Steem social media and blogging site for the payment of a small fee. Steem can be joined for free but that can take a few days. They’re real people running a real business. There’s no scam here that I can see, you give them something of value they give you something of value.
If you pay $2.50 you can get on immediately and you’ll have some crypto credit to get you started. It’s not a scam, it’s an alternative to the free to use social media that makes its money by selling YOUR work and information and YOUR attention to others while they show you adverts to pay for the “free” service. Remember, if you’re not paying for something, you are the product that is being sold!
I get a small bonus if someone signs up from the link. Either way, for Twitter to brand this business as potentially fraudulent when it is a direct competitor to its business model is exactly the kind of sneaky behaviour we now expect from these legacy social media sites.
If you do sign up to Steem, please be absolutely sure to note down the rather over complicated list of passwords and encryption keys that pop up just after you chose a user name and before you pay. Do not lose these. Steem is decentralised: that means nobody fully controls it and there simply is no reset system to get an account back if you lose your password.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.