It would appear the complete main stream media ban on discussing Tommy Robinson’s Panodrama revelations doesn’t apply to the comment section under every single post BBC Panorama make on Facebook.
Just remember, this week was supposed to be the big co-ordinated reveal of more revelations about Tommy Robinson to coincide with the Hate not Hope Tommy Take Down program. Instead the UK will be treated to more “journalism” about transexual kids. Just remember, the BBC’s initial communication with Tommy to let him know he is supposed to be the subject of a forthcoming “documentary” by the UK’s premier TV news documentary show, said it was scheduled for broadcast in Mid February, 2019.

Instead the UK will be treated to “Trans Kids: Why Medicine Matters – How much do we understand about the care being offered to transgender children?” – I’m sure that is an absolutely red hot subject for discussion amongst the vast majority of the BBC’s compelled license fee payers and not at all an elitist or marginal interest.

Actually, Panorama’s been postponed for football: Chelsea v Man Utd, so perhaps wait ’till next Monday before rushing to premature judgement?
Lol. Boker tov Brian. Keep going.