First broadcast August 28, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Our Man in London talks about the BBC Panorama program which accuses allegedly moderate Islamic spokesmen of extremism, and the latest from the life and death struggle against the most insidious force for evil in the world today – Chris Martin and Coldplay.
We talk to Israeli blogger Dave, from Israellycool, about how the orange side of Israeli society view the Gaza pullout, and we get the blue and white perspective from Jewish political activist and former IDF officer Ted Lapkin. Dave has his own podcast by the way, which I personally reccomend.
Also mentioned, fact-checking the New York Times (now there’s a full time occupation), Condoleeza Rice, the blog Jewish Current Isuues, Mariam Sobh and her amazing fake Ariel Sharon quotes, National Public Radio, Solomonia, Little Green Footballs, Genghis Khan versus a Unitarian prayer circle, Victor Davis Hanson versus Arianna Huffington’ the return to blogging of Australia’s own Magrot Kgnitson, her exceptionally relaxed policy on how much work you have to do to qualify for a four week break, why blogs are breaking the Egyptian government’s grip on information, 23 year old Cairo-based blogger Alaa Fattah, Big Pharoah, the reason why Jesse Jackson has that funky expression on his face courtesy of Meryl Yourish, and Harry’s Place.
And as always we bring you the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon.

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[…] Today’s episode (the 15th) features an interview with Aussie Dave speaking about the Gaza Disengagement. It’s a fascinating look back on this event especially knowing what we know about the decade plus of rockets and periodic wars we’ve had since. […]