Thanks to the amazing archive.org, we have the original show notes from this episode, as broadcast on 5th June 2005. This features the first ever “Full of Crap Report” from Laurence Simon. Got to love this episode: Global Warming makes an appearance in this episode too, because themes.
Mentioned in this week’s Shire Netwok News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Guantanamo Bay, who is really abusing the Koran there, Captains Quarters, Emmett Till, Natalie Solent, Dr Who, the welfare state, Tiananmin Square, a high profile defection in Australia, Workers World defends the use of tanks against students, Damian Penny, Mao Tse Tung, global warming, why the Antarctic ice shelf is getting thicker, the UK Union of Jewish Students, Melanie Phillips, Laurence Simon, why Mahmoud Abbas is full of crap, La Shawn Barber and why black people aren’t rushing to become Republicans. Yet.