In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, a report from Our Man in London on the latest bombings, Ted Lapkin from the Australian/Israel Jewish Affairs Committee on the sale of books advocating Jihad in Muslim bookstores in Australia, the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon, and an interview with a right-wing Jewish woman who edits a major New Zealand student magazine on why classical liberalism is “the new black”.
You can now subscribe to Shire Network News on Apple iTunes, although whether that remains the case after Apple hear what Lair says about them this week remains to be seen.
Under “Genres”, select “Podcasts”, type the word “Shire” in the left-hand panel just above the message “Search all podcasts”, and click the magnifying glass icon. You should then be taken to a screen where you can subscribe to SNN.
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