informationwar – Brian of London The collected works of Brian of London Sun, 06 Oct 2019 10:20:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 informationwar – Brian of London 32 32 156832491 Podcast deconstructs the Danish Facebook Tommy Robinson spokeshole massacre Sun, 06 Oct 2019 10:19:48 +0000 Last week Tommy posted this full video from a Danish TV show questioning a Facebook Spokeshole all about the secondary effects of banning Tommy Robinson from Facebook. Specifically the observable fact that if you even mention Tommy Robinson by name, your post is likely to be removed. If you continue to do this your account will be deleted.

In this podcast I go over the transcript pointing out some of the astonishing details of what was said. The transcript comes from Gates of Vienna (one of the oldest and best counter Jihad blogs in the world). Many thanks to Tania Groth for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling.

Here are some of the points I make:

  • Lotte is the first journalists to ask Facebook directly for the evidence of what it claimed he did to deserve to be removed.
  • Facebook haven’t ever produced screenshots of problematic posts and can’t produce them.
  • The claims made by Facebook can’t be confirmed by any journalists.
  • The process by which people are chosen to be removed is entirely internal within Facebook though they may consult “experts”.
  • No details of these processes will be provided to journalists.
  • Facebook wishes there were global rules for “hate speech”.
  • Facebook is not content to just apply rules against illegal speech, they must go much further and prevent people being harmed by “hate speech”.

Facebook is unfit to be running their network with the kind of power they have. My personal belief is that the world does not need it and Facebook is indeed a massive danger to all free societies. Centralised control and power such that Mark Zuckerberg wields, is too dangerous. I wrote more about Zuckerberg here.

If you’re interested in a legal effort to challenge Facebook (in a way that could inflict a financial blow on them which could threaten the existence of the entire company, take a look at this post.

The full original interview with subtitles is here on the Rair Foundation Website.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

You can join the fight against the Tech Goliaths in two ways, you have a no win no fee claim or you wish to help finance the case.

⭐ Please join the case if you held crypto and have a claim.

🏅 You can directly contribute crypto on Fundition. To send fiat currency via PayPal click here. If you want to talk about a large donation, Telegram or email me.

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009 Podcast blames West for anticipated anti-Podcast backlash from July 18 2005 Sun, 27 Jan 2019 08:00:49 +0000 In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, the Guardian’s “sassy” new trainee journalist, Dilpazier Aslam; the coming global Caliphate; blogger Scott Burgess weilds Google like a crusader sword; John Hawkins on why it’s possible to make gas from mustard; the War Room fact checks ABC on links between Saddam Hussein and terrorism; we have the London Report from Andrew Ian Dodge; we interview Thomas Haidon from the Free Muslim Coalition Against Terror on the Muslim response to the London bombings; the regular Full of Crap Report from uber funny blogger Laurence Simon; and an interview with blogger “Cyrus” who runs “Christian Hate”, devoted to combating modern Christian anti-zionism in general and the politicisation of the British charity Christian Aid in particular’ also mentioned by “Cyrus” are blogger/journalists Melanie Phillips and Stephen Pollard.

You can now subscribe to Shire Network News on Apple iTunes, although whether that remains the case after Apple hear what Lair says about them this week remains to be seen.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

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008 Podcast is shocked not shocked by terrorist attack in London on 7th July 2005 Fri, 25 Jan 2019 08:00:38 +0000 The 8th episode of Shire Network News was first broadcast on July 10th 2005, immediately after the multiple suicide bombings across London on the morning of July 7th by a gang of Islamic terrorists. The entire episode discusses this including the first appearance on SNN by Andrew Ian Dodge who became a regular contributor. Andrew passed away from cancer in 2014, may his memory be a blessing.

In this special edition of Shire Network News, there will be no blog news. Humour is inappropriate just now. We have a special extended interview with London-based blogger Andrew Ian Dodge, and the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon.

Also, there is a special introduction which hearkens back, not to the dark days of 1940, but to an even earlier episode of English history.

Blogs mentioned include Cold FuryDean EsmayHarry’s Place and Samizdata.

You can now subscribe to Shire Network News on Apple iTunes. Under “Genres”, select “Podcasts”, type the word “Shire” in the left-hand panel just above the message “Search all podcasts”, and click the magnifying glass icon. You should then be taken to a screen where you can subscribe to SNN.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

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Podcast explains #StandWithCovington malicious media lies, Trump, destroy Tommy Robinson and delegitimise Israel are all linked Wed, 23 Jan 2019 07:19:01 +0000 After you’ve watched the media as long as I have, you can see what they are, what they do and why you can’t ever believe them without verification.

From more info on the Covington school story my posts are here and here.

The Tommy Robinson at the library story is here.

Video version of this podcast:

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

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Complete text of Nick Sandmann’s statement Mon, 21 Jan 2019 15:20:50 +0000 It is worth reading this. And then consider how irresponsible the entire main stream media is for rushing to publish this entire story without getting this statement before they shared anything. This is the problem with 24 hour #FakeNews and its hate filled agenda.

Statement of Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic High School junior, regarding incident at the Lincoln Memorial

I am providing this factual account of what happened on Friday afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial to correct misinformation and outright lies being spread about my family and me.

I am the student in the video who was confronted by the Native American protestor. I arrived at the Lincoln Memorial at 4:30 p.m. I was told to be there by 5:30 p.m., when our busses were due to leave Washington for the trip back to Kentucky. We had been attending the March for Life rally, and then had split up into small groups to do sightseeing.

When we arrived, we noticed four African American protestors who were also on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I am not sure what they were protesting, and I did not interact with them. I did hear them direct derogatory insults at our school group.
The protestors said hateful things. They called us “racists,” “bigots,” “white crackers,” “faggots,” and “incest kids.” They also taunted an African American student from my school by telling him that we would “harvest his organs.” I have no idea what that insult means, but it was startling to hear.

Because we were being loudly attacked and taunted in public, a student in our group asked one of our teacher chaperones for permission to begin our school spirit chants to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group. The chants are commonly used at sporting events. They are all positive in nature and sound like what you would hear at any high school. Our chaperone gave us permission to use our school chants. We would not have done that without obtaining permission from the adults in charge of our group.

At no time did I hear any student chant anything other than the school spirit chants. I did not witness or hear any students chant “build that wall” or anything hateful or racist at any time. Assertions to the contrary are simply false. Our chants were loud because we wanted to drown out the hateful comments that were being shouted at us by the protestors.

After a few minutes of chanting, the Native American protestors, who I hadn’t previously noticed, approached our group. The Native American protestors had drums and were accompanied by at least one person with a camera.

The protestor everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I did not see anyone try to block his path. He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.

I never interacted with this protestor. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. We had already been yelled at by another group of protestors, and when the second group approached I was worried that a situation was getting out of control where adults were attempting to provoke teenagers.

I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to diffuse the situation. I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict. I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand.

During the period of the drumming, a member of the protestor’s entourage began yelling at a fellow student that we “stole our land” and that we should “go back to Europe.” I heard one of my fellow students begin to respond. I motioned to my classmate and tried to get him to stop engaging with the protestor, as I was still in the mindset that we needed to calm down tensions.

I never felt like I was blocking the Native American protestor. He did not make any attempt to go around me. It was clear to me that he had singled me out for a confrontation, although I am not sure why.

The engagement ended when one of our teachers told me the busses had arrived and it was time to go. I obeyed my teacher and simply walked to the busses. At that moment, I thought I had diffused the situation by remaining calm, and I was thankful nothing physical had occurred.

I never understood why either of the two groups of protestors were engaging with us, or exactly what they were protesting at the Lincoln Memorial. We were simply there to meet a bus, not become central players in a media spectacle. This is the first time in my life I’ve ever encountered any sort of public protest, let alone this kind of confrontation or demonstration.

I was not intentionally making faces at the protestor. I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation. I am a faithful Christian and practicing Catholic, and I always try to live up to the ideals my faith teaches me — to remain respectful of others, and to take no action that would lead to conflict or violence.

I harbor no ill will for this person. I respect this person’s right to protest and engage in free speech activities, and I support his chanting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial any day of the week. I believe he should re-think his tactics of invading the personal space of others, but that is his choice to make.

I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name. My parents were not on the trip, and I strive to represent my family in a respectful way in all public settings.

I have received physical and death threats via social media, as well as hateful insults. One person threatened to harm me at school, and one person claims to live in my neighborhood. My parents are receiving death and professional threats because of the social media mob that has formed over this issue.

I love my school, my teachers and my classmates. I work hard to achieve good grades and to participate in several extracurricular activities. I am mortified that so many people have come to believe something that did not happen — that students from my school were chanting or acting in a racist fashion toward African Americans or Native Americans. I did not do that, do not have hateful feelings in my heart, and did not witness any of my classmates doing that.

I cannot speak for everyone, only for myself. But I can tell you my experience with Covington Catholic is that students are respectful of all races and cultures. We also support everyone’s right to free speech.

I am not going to comment on the words or account of Mr. Phillips, as I don’t know him and would not presume to know what is in his heart or mind. Nor am I going to comment further on the other protestors, as I don’t know their hearts or minds, either.

I have read that Mr. Phillips is a veteran of the United States Marines. I thank him for his service and am grateful to anyone who puts on the uniform to defend our nation. If anyone has earned the right to speak freely, it is a U.S. Marine veteran.

I can only speak for myself and what I observed and felt at the time. But I would caution everyone passing judgement based on a few seconds of video to watch the longer video clips that are on the internet, as they show a much different story than is being portrayed by people with agendas.

I provided this account of events to the Diocese of Covington so they may know exactly what happened, and I stand ready and willing to cooperate with any investigation they are conducting.

This was posted on Twitter by Jake Tapper. I don’t believe he’ll have learned anything from this.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

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MAGA hat kids are being hit with Pallywood demonisation Sun, 20 Jan 2019 09:36:00 +0000 If you’ve followed my work for years you’ll know what Pallywood is but I’ll explain for newbies. I’ve been watching the demonisation of Israel and Israelis for defending ourselves in the main stream media (M5M) for decades. Pallywood is the joining of “Palestine” and “Hollywood” to denote faked video (or images) or any narrative (aka lies) created to destroy Israel. Prof Landes coined the term Pallywood when looking at the completely fake footage of Mohammed Al Durah.

What I woke up to this morning on my Twitter feed is a classic example of Pallywood applied to MAGA hat wearing, Trump supporting, Catholic school kids. Because I no longer pay any attention to main stream media sources on anything, I usually have to look back up the chain to find out what the M5M are saying.

Imagine my surprise when it lead back to this story in the Washington Post.

There are a few ways to look at this story, this version is framed for people especially in America, watching the demonisation of Trump but who haven’t paid so much attention to Israel. I’ll tell the Israel focused version elsewhere. The UK version would look through the lens of the demonisation of Brexit, Brexiteers and Tommy Robinson.

A viral video of a group of Kentucky teens in “Make America Great Again” hats taunting a Native American veteran on Friday has heaped fuel on a long-running, intense argument among abortion opponents as to whether the close affiliation of many antiabortion leaders with President Trump since he took office has led to moral decay that harms the movement.

The video, which began to spread Saturday morning, showed a throng of young, mostly white teenage boys, several wearing the caps, closely surrounding a 64-year-old man who was beating a drum as part of the Indigenous Peoples March happening near the Lincoln Memorial on Friday.

The story is that this older, Native American man was surrounded and intimidated by a gang of MAGA hat wearing kids. All over Twitter right now the far-left, blue checkmark terrified hate mob is looking for these kids. They’re hunting down their high school year bookspetitioningto get them expelled from their Catholic school, petitioning to have the principal of the school fired. The full video is here, that link jumps in quite a way along where the people surrounding the MAGA kids are throwing homophobic slurs at the President (that’s not in the Washington Post article). Here’s a good, detailed, run down of what the M5M are missing at InformationLiberation.

I am inherently suspicious of sites like Washington Post or CNN because I’ve been watching them defame Israel for more than a decade: especially taking a video, cutting out context and presenting their favourite narratives. And here’s the bias: Catholic, white kids who’ve just attended a huge anti-abortion march and are wearing MAGA hats are in the same class for mainstream sites as “Israeli settlers” and here we can see exactly the same demonization tactics used.

As Mike Cernovich points out in the video embedded below, the crowd from which this Native American activist emerges seems to have a come from the Black Hebrew Israelite Movement which are a deeply racist, Black supremacist movement. Even the SPLC condemn them. Their role is not mentioned in the Washington Post of course.

The Native American man banging the drum: who is he? Has he done this before? Any background on him? No. Of course this is a pattern of behavior for Nathan Phillips, just like the behaviour of the girl Israellycool dubbed “Shirley Temper” – Ahed Tamimi whose exploits I’ve watched for years. If you’re reading pro-Israel sites regularly you’ll recognize any story she appears in and be suspicious, but if you just relied on the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and all the rest, you’ve probably fallen for the decades of lies. The following video started her career. It has 25m views:

This girl has had an illustrious career of provocation and taunting, last year she succeeded in getting arrested, tried and sentenced to a short stay in Israeli prison. All of the same sites currently demonising Catholic kids in America were the ones praising this girl. This is the far-left’s creation of oppressed and oppressor.

Mike Cernovich’s video, if you don’t want to watch the long raw stream from the event, highlights the most important points that debunk the mainstream narrative. Mike is in the process of releasing a film, Hoaxed, of which I’ve seen a pre-release. It doesn’t specifically talk about Israel but every trick and distortion method he shows in his film was invented, tested and deployed to demonize Israel since (largely) 1967.

What was done to these boys relies on the central trick pulled by the anti-Israel media. Framing an event so tightly in either time, space or both as to cut all context and invert the position of aggressor and victim. This was pointed out so eloquently by Matti Friedman: to demonize Israel as the Goliath of the Middle East oppressing the poor Palestinians, you have to zoom in really tight in geography and ignore multiple hostile nations and 100 million more Arabs surrounding Israel. In order to slander Israeli acts of self defense, you frame the timescale to ignore the attack upon Israel that proceed acts of self defense.

It’s so obvious when it’s pointed out but when you’re stuck in the world of the M5M, it is very hard to de-program yourself. The chink comes when the media go after a target you know more about than they do and you get to see how they lie and distort just about anything. Unless, of course, you share their far-left, cultural marxist world view.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

Special shout out to Nick Monroe, quite of few of his tweets are linked to above.

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006 Podcast carries on dissecting social justice with Keith Thompson from June 19 2005 Sun, 20 Jan 2019 08:00:22 +0000 Mentioned in this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of, Microsoft’s cozying up to Chinese governmental views on subversive words, Robert ScobleRebecca McKinnonGlobal Voices, Australian hostage Douglas Woods, Tim Blair, Sheikh Haj al-din al Hilaly and his amazing Iraqi hostage negotiation holiday, the Kyoto agreement, the New Zealand government, ZimbabwePundit, the Carnival of the Revolutions, Registan.netPublius PunditGayPatriot, the practise of “outing” gay conservatives, former Soviet political prisoner Pavel Litvinoff, James Lileks makes light of torture, Sir Humphrys, where to get your “I [Heart] Gitmo” t-shirts, Shire Network News runs its first competition, complete with valuable prizes, the Laurence Simon Full Of Crap Report, and San Francisco left-to-rightie writer Keith Thompson.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

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Flying over Herzliyah Marina while talking about Sargon of Akkad, Ben Shapiro and baby Hitler Sat, 19 Jan 2019 16:45:14 +0000

This is the Sargon of Akkad video I was trying to talk about. Turns out I was still trying to capture important footage so I didn’t stick the drone in autopilot. Hence my slightly incoherent rambling.

I don’t think this will turn into a podcast, too much to edit.

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Introducing Brian’s Forest Chats the Podcast Fri, 18 Jan 2019 14:45:00 +0000 I’m getting back into podcasting! And this is where I explain what’s going on, why I’m re-releasing the back catalog of Shire Network News and a bunch of other things. Join me and subscribe in your favourite podcast app.

If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

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Watch full unedited Tommy Robinson LIVE stream outside constituency meeting of Stewart McDonald in Glasgow Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:50:31 +0000 Today Tommy went to talk to this is the MP who stood up in parliament, hiding behind his Parliamentary privilege and called Tommy Robinson a string of vile names, watch this clip.

Here’s the very end of the stream cued up:

And here’s what this man said in parliament about Tommy:

Tommy waited patiently in the cold outside a library where the Stewart Malcom McDonald MP was supposed to meet his constituents. Tommy’s mere presence meant Police arrived, shut the library to all (including women and children coming to return books) while the MP hid inside.

Parliamentary privilege in the UK means an MP can say whatever he likes inside Parliament with no legal repercussions: he can lie, slander and defame with impunity. That’s what this MP did.

Full unedited live stream from the start:

The original Facebook livestream can be found here.

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