Comments on: The complete suppression of Truth. Tommy Robinson is a canary. How do you kill 11 Million People? The collected works of Brian of London Tue, 04 Jun 2019 09:06:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Socialism, Chernobyl and Hollywood elites completely missing the point – Brian of London Sun, 02 Jun 2019 20:05:53 +0000 […] The Soviet Union was an evil empire. It seems not everybody in the west today understands that, even someone who has spent the last few years researching a gigantic failure of that evil empire and the lies told about the Soviet Union are still affecting the people today in very dangerous ways. […]

By: Rumpole Thu, 30 May 2019 04:51:38 +0000 Hi Brian

I do follow your Twitter (not logged on to twitter), but cant comment there. I see you no longer Mirror YT on Bitchute… which is a shame. I am making a point of using Bitchute in preference to YT where possible.

Don’t CHOSE to be a victim of big-tech censorship.

Obviously Tommy Robinson is being viciously and maliciously lied about, and his own message censored, but..
The TRUTH about Tommy is still readily available online. From New
Zealand I managed to follow his campaign/watched videos every day. Fakenews stories were thus exposed and laughable. The people of UK, North West especially, could have seen the truth if they bothered to look. I KNOW it’s a set-back to be removed from Twitter and fb (been there, done that 5 years ago), but the million plus people who followed him on fb, for instance, could still follow him with just a small effort. Personally I largely avoid fb and twitter anyway, and so “de-platforming” at those sites makes little difference to my access to information. Tommy’s stuff is not GONE from YT so people can find it there, or at bitchute and several people post Youtubes about Tommy, of Tommy news and events etc. There is as well. I appreciate the GRAVITY of big-tech censorship, but all the more reason to stop relying on them, on twitter, fb, even YT. If people QUIT such places those places’ business would suffer and they MIGHT change their ways, but even if they don’t, then all the more reason to stop depending on their whims. Don’t CHOSE to be a victim of big-tech censorship.
