Comments on: I trust Facebook with my money the same way I trust them with my private information The collected works of Brian of London Tue, 09 Jul 2019 13:21:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brian of London Mon, 06 May 2019 17:05:30 +0000 In reply to hippiepooter.

Yeah I know the irony of being in London for the first time in 3 years just as Brian of London ceases to exist wasn’t lost on me.

We have the foot soldiers, what we need is the financiers because last time I checked, most of the rich Jews were sending money in the wrong direction.

By: hippiepooter Mon, 06 May 2019 13:10:21 +0000 “My Brian of London Page was deleted while I was in London last week”. Well, at least someone at FB has a sense of humour!

As a platform it is awesome, but it is controlled by the far left and far left big tech social media is waging war against democracy. Democracy has to fight back and thank God the US President is showing every sign of leading that fight. If the far left anti-Democratic Party wins the Presidency in 2020 with a social media shutdown on free speech and and an MSM waging propaganda war for tyranny, it will literally be the end of democracy if the anti-Democratic candidate wins.

I hope Trump comes out with all rhetorical guns blazing, recognising the war being waged against democracy, and leading America to meet that war and destroy the enemy. It needs to be bad for business for big tech social media to be run by the fascist left. It has to feel the heat. Illhan Omar needs to be in Guantanamo, the perpetrators of the Russia hoax deep state coup need to be in chokey.

Does democracy have enough foot soldiers to win this war?

That is the $million question.
